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Pokaż wątki - Ivul Divul

Aktywne / UCT : malariacontrol.net
23 Kwiecień 2008, 00:31
Pojawiło się coś co wygląda na projekt testowy dla MalariaControl


Aktualnie tworzenie nowych kont jest zablokowane.

Archiwum / AlmereGrid TestGrid
29 Marzec 2008, 22:50
Za http://almeregrid.nl/:
CytatAlmere, 2006-09-27 - Today, Martine Visser, from the City Council of Almere, officially inaugurated AlmereGrid, the first cityGrid in the world. AlmereGrid allows citizens, companies and other organisations to donate otherwise unused computing time to science. Researcher Danielle Posthuma from the Free University of Amsterdam, showed how all this computer power could be used for analysing data on a large number of twins. This research could help us to gain better understanding of human behaviour. If Almere would donate computing time at a very large scale, also other research, for instance medical research, could benefit. AlmereGrid focuses on making it easy for everyone to participate, not only the computer literate.

Wygląda na to, że zaczynają testować BOINCa:

CytatThis is the Boinc test Grid of AlmereGrid. The goals is to experiment with Boinc test applications and new Boinc versions, before they are put on the main Grid.

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