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Pokaż wątki - Frank [RKN]

Competitions and challenges / Charity Race 2012
23 Grudzień 2011, 18:06

I'm pleased to invite all members and friends of the Team Boinc@Poland to participate the Charity Race 2012 !

The forum of the Charity Team has just been re-opened

You can participate to the discussions that have just started, about what project and what period

Welcome / dzień dobry!
23 Grudzień 2011, 09:02
Hello and best wishes from Germany to Poland !  :)

I'm a member of SETI.Germany and running Boinc since many years. My wife is from Poland and she reads on your website to understand why my computers must work 24/7 and what they are doing ;)
Next week we'll drive to Poland to visit her family, i like Poland and every few month we drive there for a week or two :)
Is anybody here from the area around Piła ? The city is very similar to my hometown Herford, and i like to be there !  :boing:

Best wishes