
Nowy polski projekt BOINC - Universe@Home

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Pokaż wątki - mimeq

PrimeGrid / Tour de Primes 2020
20 Luty 2020, 20:43
Po dwóch dublechekerach

82409922^65536+1 GFN16
79225864^65536+1 GFN16

Initial finder

84088876^65536+1 GFN 16 i w nagrode
PrimeGrid / Koniec GCW Sieve
31 Marzec 2019, 11:15
Nie wiem czy bylo, 321 uruchomione od nowa a do konca GCW - miesiąc

PrimeGrid: GCW Sieve is shutting down May 1st
This is the official 30 day warning.
02 Luty 2019, 12:46
Nowy podprojekt (dolicza do GFN badge), czyli mozliwosc szukania najwiekszej liczby pierwszej (World Record) ;] (nawet nie probuje z 1060)

Od 1 lutego przez miesiac do zdobycia unikalne badge. Warunek ? Prime finder (nie licza sie GFN15 i SGS)  :whip: :attack:
Zdobycze / Odznaki Acoustics@home
14 Grudzień 2018, 22:54
Malo czasu ostatnio na wszystko wiec dzis szukajac czegos na CPU widze :

10k Total
Zdobycze / Odznaki Rake Search
27 Grudzień 2017, 09:49
Hmmm nie wiem czemu nie powstał:) wrzucam ostatnią ze zdobytych:

Raccoon 300k Total

ODLS pairs found in December 2017
Giełda / Kupie/Przyjmę HDD
20 Grudzień 2017, 12:54
Tanio kupie lub przyjme jakies HDD SATA (po wymianie plyty mam MOBO only SATA a HDD IDE) ;/
Enigma@home / Best score
13 Lipiec 2017, 14:54
g3_alqfi87_3: score: 39656  settings: B:UJ:XYL:453:BTDWFMLQOYRXUV
ixokotgfrxszaqurschlxtsqubetufsagenpakxussetlibxsarzempflmxdaueuehdlabssqnverpilemfuehx found by mimeq

Cokolwiek to znaczy ;]
Wyścigi Teamów / Cube Challenge 3^3
30 Maj 2017, 21:19
Jaby ktos chcial wspomoc (sam wystartowalem z opoznieniem)

PRPNet 27 Prime Search Project Challenge (May/June 2017)
the begin is at 05/27/2017 12:00 GMT, the end is at 06/03/2017 12:00 GMT



W ostatnich godzinach wypadlem z top5 users, zespolowo sie zalapalismy ;]

Jesli ktos uzywa PRPNet (dolicza do PSA badge)

PRPNet March Challenge

Happy St Patrick's Equinox Challenge

Announced is a PRPNet challenge at the 121 prime search project from the 16th till 21st of March.
Work in PRPNet counts towards your PSA badge.
Leading edge of the search now up to 7,360,477 on both the plus and minus side. Goal will be to get both to 7.5M.
More about the 27121 prime search can be found here. News and infos about the PRPNet client can be found here.

To take part, you have to activate the following lines in prpclient.ini:


Stats will be available at the well known place here.
All previous PRPNet challenge stats can be found here.
Discussion and more information can be found here: 2017 PRPNet March Challenge.


[smg id=10641 type=preview align=center caption="PRP"]
Zdobycze / Odznaki DrugDiscovery@Home
18 Luty 2017, 11:29
Skoro juz Krzysiek z ekipa wprowadzili to zakladam stosowany watek do chwalenia sie :]

Zdobycze / TN-Grid – odznaki
29 Listopad 2016, 22:32
Skoro wprowadzili to sie chwalę :

100k (silver)
Zdobycze / Odznaki DENIS@Home
15 Lipiec 2015, 22:36
Marathon (42.195k)
Archiwum / Odznaki Universe@Home
03 Marzec 2015, 01:51
Czemu jeszcze niema takiego watku ? ;p


Uranus (50k)
Archiwum / Odznaki SRbase
02 Styczeń 2015, 21:53
10k in project total credit
Archiwum Radioactive / No space left on server
16 Październik 2014, 10:32
2014-10-16 10:31:20 | Radioactive@Home | Started upload of sample_3925747_0_0
2014-10-16 10:31:21 | Radioactive@Home | [error] Error reported by file upload server: can't write file /home/boincadm/projects/radioactive/upload/1/sample_3925747_0_0: No space left on server
2014-10-16 10:31:21 | Radioactive@Home | Temporarily failed upload of sample_3925747_0_0: transient upload error
Wyscig BOINCstats w projekcie Enigma@home:


Start  juz za 2h warto powalczyc bo ilosc zadan jest ogromna (91mln) a jest to zadkosc u tworcy projektu a zarazem czlonka naszego zespolu - TJM.
Do odszyfrowania wiadomosc z czasow 2 wojny swiatowej:

PrimeGrid / Nowa punktacja zadan LLR
18 Luty 2013, 13:27
Your voices have been heard!

Well, we always heard you, but this wasn't the easiest thing to fix.

Anybody who has ever run any LLR project here probably noticed how seemingly random the credit was. Without going into detail, the variation was due to using the BOINC benchmark * CPU time method for calculating credit, which has lots of problems.

I've written a new credit function that is based soley on the complexity of the problem, so credit will be a lot more consistent than before.

We'll be turning the new credit system on one project at a time. You may notice that some projects will get more credit than before, and some may get less. The adjustment is to make it so that you get the same credit/hour regardless of which project you're crunching.

Currently, the new system is being used only for SGS. If nothing really bad happens, we'll start turning it on for the other projects. SGS used to have a fixed credit. It now varies slightly according to the size of the number. VERY slightly -- the difference is about 8 places past the decimal point, so you won't notice the difference, but it's there.

This should correct the following inequities with the old credit function:

Identical Windows and Linux boxes scored differently on the BOINC benchmarks, and therefore got different credit for the same amount of work.
Sandy and Ivy Bridge CPUs got LESS credit for being faster.
Your wingmen would affect your credit, so if THEY have a Sandy Bridge CPU, you get penalized because their computer is fast.
Hyperthreading and the effects of too-small CPU cache can cause crunching to slow down when all cores are in use, causing credit to go up because your computer is slower.
I'll keep you informed as the other projects are moved to the new system.

UPDATE: All LLR projects now use the new credit system.

EDIT: Added fourth bullet point about HT & cache misses causing higher credit as your computer slows down.


:whip: :attack:
Juz trwa ale mamy 2 pozycje - apka dla win jest wiec zapraszam chetnych

Archiwum / Odznaki Asteroids@home
03 Listopad 2012, 20:23
Odrazu zglaszam:

Carboneum 10k points
Archiwum / Odznaki OProject@Home
27 Wrzesień 2012, 14:06
Chyba jeszcze nie ma takiego watku wiec:

  - Mathematics - 100 Results returned
Jesli ktos jeszcze tego nie zrobil a chce czujnik w obecnej parti moze to zrobic jeszcze tylko dzis:

CytatOn this evening we will stop collecting orders as is time to send order to suppliers. After midnight I will switch off order confirmation form and also inform you about finishing money collection.
Everybody who would like order detector can do this up to midnight tonight.
Enigma@home / Nowe Work Unit
13 Sierpień 2012, 15:13
TJM "wyprodukowal" troche zadan jesli ktos jest chetny  :whip:
Ciekawy wyscig na stronie SETI.Germany:


Wyscig  2 tyg (15.08-29.08) pokrywajacy sie z naszym PM GPU wiec jesli ktos liczy moze sie zapisac podajac imie, ID z projektu SETI oraz wybrac znak zodiaku:


Aktualnie prowadzone statystki sa testem przed konkretnym wyscigiem:

Znaki zodiaku:


Zarejestrowani urzytkownicy:


Tutaj wykresik dotyczacy glownej czesci zabawy:


Użytkownicy B@P zgloszeni do wyscigu:

Announced is a four day challenge starting 1st and ending 4th may. I suggest we start at 1st 00:00 UTC and end at 4th 23:59 UTC.

server do ustawienia w prpclient.ini:




Kazde przeliczone WU w PRPNet (nie tylko te z wyscigu) zaliczane jest do odznaki:

Mozecie pomoc potestowac aplikacje jesli macie ATI GPU:


u mnie wyszlo tak:


wwwwcl v2.0
Sieve started: 133456800000000000 <= p < 133456900000000000
  p=133456879950227677, 11.39M p/sec, 1.03 CPU cores, 80.0% done. ETA 01 May 21:11
Sieve complete: 133456800000000001 <= p < 133456900000000000  2535955284 primes tested
Elapsed time: 283.68 sec. (55.58 init + 227.99 sieve) at 8939350 p/sec.
Processor time: 273.98 sec. (43.01 init + 230.98 sieve).
Seconds spent in CPU and GPU: 970.07 (cpu), 98.38 (gpu)
Percent of time spent in CPU vs. GPU: 0.91 (cpu), 0.09 (gpu)
CPU/GPU utilization: 0.21 (cores), 0.02 (devices)

Mobilny Radek w lapku (5470)

wwwwcl v2.0
Sieve started: 133456800000000000 <= p < 133456900000000000
p=133456899383557213, 936.7K p/sec, 0.20 CPU cores, 99.4% done. ETA 01 May 22:33
Sieve complete: 133456800000000001 <= p < 133456900000000000 2535955284 primes tested
Elapsed time: 2709.43 sec. (8.74 init + 2700.19 sieve) at 935975 p/sec.
Processor time: 560.51 sec. (14.35 init + 546.16 sieve).
Seconds spent in CPU and GPU: 2728.36 (cpu), 12439.80 (gpu)
Percent of time spent in CPU vs. GPU: 0.18 (cpu), 0.82 (gpu)
CPU/GPU utilization: 0.20 (cores), 0.91 (devices)
DistrRTgen / DistrRTgen na ATI GPU
03 Kwiecień 2012, 00:49
Mozna potestowac , na glownym kompie narazie nie mam 7.x.x a drugi z BM pre-relase bufor zapchany Moo.
Przypominam ze niedlugo (07.04) Project Race:



U mnie narazie nie pobiera (4770 i BM 7.0.11 x86)

2012-04-03 00:47:13 | DistrRTgen | Requesting new tasks for ATI
2012-04-03 00:47:16 | DistrRTgen | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
2012-04-03 00:47:16 | DistrRTgen | No work available
Jesli komus brakuje do ktoregos z kolorow tej odznaki to od 2 dni dostaje sporo WU w tym konczacym sie podprojekcje (chyba resend WU nie przeliczonych WU u innych userow)

[smg id=9477 type=preview align=center caption="HCMD2"]
[smg id=9410 type=av align=center caption="watch?v=tmEiJLLpuaY"]
CytatWe have reduced the feeder priority of the Help Fight Childhood Cancer project as we are nearing the end of target-8. This means that users with multiple project selected are less likely to get HFCC work units, however users with only HFCC selected should continue to get work units without interruption. The next target is estimated to be available in May (this is only an estimate) and by reducing the feeder priority, users with only HFCC selected will continue to get work units for a longer period of time.
Rozwalilo mnie to, szczegolnie koncowka ;] UWAGA WULGARYZMY

[smg id=9346 type=av align=center caption="watch?v=hRtcqfHTTVs&amp feature=player embedded"]
A few weeks ago, we ran double credits in order to make up for a database error that occurred earlier in 2011. Unfortunately, the server crashed with just 12 hours left until the make-up credits were finished.

Now that the new server is up and running (and stable! very stable!), and everyone here is back from travels and winter break, we are ready to finish running those last 12 hours of double make-up credits.

If there are no significant objections, we'll run the double credits on St. Valentine's Day (February 14), from 10:00 am until 10:00 pm, US Eastern time (EST). This corresponds to 3pm (Feb14)-3am (Feb15) UTC.

Happy crunching!