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Pokaż wątki - lost68er

Przepraszam, bo nie znamy języka polskiego! Dlatego w języku angielskim:

My name is Frank, and I`m member of SetiGermany. In the name of my team and the team l`Alliance Francophone I would like to invite all members of your team to the

2011 Charity Contest! :parrrty:

Like in the past two years we want to build the "Charity Team" again!
I'm writing to tell you that this year's Charity Contest will crunch for MALARIACONTROL.NET!
The Charity Contest is a joint venture between SetiGermany and L'Alliance Francophone, but the "Charity Team", who has just been founded by the Admins of SG and AF, runs on its own, so the credits achieved will only go to the Charity Team Account.
We invite you to crunch with us for 2 weeks together as the temporary "Charity Team"!
The Contest starts on January 30th, 00.00 MEZ and will end on February 12th, 23.59 MEZ.
If you want to participate, you just need to switch over to the Charity Team  for these 2 weeks, and switch back again when the contest is over. The idea behind the Charity Contest is just to bring BOINC users as much as possible together, to crunch for a medical/biological project as a temporary team.
If you have further questions or want to be informed or to talk with the rest of the Charity Team, go  to,5.0.html
This board is in English (okay, English at the level I speak)! ;)

BTW: If one of you have friendly relations to Boinc team Russia, could you bring this message there? I´m just unable to read or write kyrillic... |-?

So, I hope, it will be a great event!
