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Zdobycze / Odznaki World Community Grid
11 Listopad 2017, 09:25
  FightAIDS@Home - Phase 2  0:017:05:43:48


we would like to test our new CPU multicore application for quantum chemistry tasks ("QC"). Since it's the first time we have a CPU app out, I'll test the behavior of GPUGRID with a relatively large batch that you will see soon. Workunits are named "*QC309big*".

Here's some features of the app, in short (subject to change):

* Platform: Linux only for now, generic x64.
* Threads: as many as Boinc decides. I guess it depends on your machine, your preferences, and other running tasks in ways which are obscure to me...
* Run time: about 1 CPU hour per WU (so, shorter if multithreading)
* Credit: computed with the default algorithm (tasks are short, don't expect much). Bonus mechanism for fast turnaround is still on.
* Known bugs: restarts and checkpoints. This should be mitigated with the "keep in memory when suspended" option. Sorry about that, it's outside of our control.
* Network behavior: the first time you get a WU of this kind it downloads a Python interpreter (miniconda) and then some open-source packages, and installs them in the project directory. The installation is reused whenever possible.
* Disk usage: could go around 1 GB, perhaps more when tasks are running. Resetting the project should remove everything.
* Memory usage: should be around 1 GB when running.


11 November at 11:11 UTC we are going to launch the 0-10T range which we skipped from the beginning, which contains almost the same amount of cuboids we've already discovered, and throw out 4 times shorter tasks to give an opportunity for all concerned users
to put into the personal statistics a large number of cuboids. So, don't miss the start time.
Zdobycze / Odznaki yoyo@home
08 Listopad 2017, 22:45
Perfect Cuboid 100k
Zdobycze / Odznaki yoyo@home
02 Listopad 2017, 06:32
  10k  Siever
Zdobycze / 50 000 000 [Milionerzy x 50,0]
30 Październik 2017, 01:52
Zespół BOINC@Poland / Peciak - witaj ponownie.
30 Październik 2017, 01:50
Zdobycze / Odznaki DrugDiscovery@Home
25 Październik 2017, 22:54
Policze cos ;]  :ahoy:
Zdobycze / Odznaki | nagrody PrimeGrid
23 Październik 2017, 13:11
po wyscigu ...

TRP LLR 500k
DrugDiscovery@Home / DrugDiscovery@Home
19 Październik 2017, 14:59
Widze nowa wersja apki z 0.19 na 0.23. Pierwsza 0.23 czas podobny jak na 0.19 a druga po 6h ma 20%  :fright:
DrugDiscovery@Home / DrugDiscovery@Home
17 Październik 2017, 18:46
Wygladalo ze bedzie szybko na 1060,  wychodzilem z domu bylo 4x% po 4x min aktualnie 99,675% 3h44min  ;)

AVG Load wedlug GPU-Z sensor 46%
Zdobycze / Odznaki World Community Grid
16 Październik 2017, 14:50
To ja powolutku

  Microbiome Immunity Project  0:096:06:49:15   
Zdobycze / Odznaki World Community Grid
13 Październik 2017, 09:04
  Microbiome Immunity Project  0:061:09:05:53   
Zdobycze / Znalezione liczby pierwsze w PrimeGrid
11 Październik 2017, 07:28
Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique prime number. This computer is assigned to the Generalized Fermat Prime Search n=15 (GFN-15). Since candidates on this subproject are not large enough to report to the Top 5000 Primes List, your prime is visible immediately.

Workunit 541363133 : 61722492^32768+1 (255278 digits)
Zdobycze / Odznaki World Community Grid
08 Październik 2017, 19:53
Microbiome Immunity Project
Zdobycze / Odznaki yoyo@home
03 Październik 2017, 20:01
czemu to w Archiwum ?

Perfect Cuboid 10k
Cytat: 4ys w 30 Wrzesień 2017, 14:28
CPU Yoyo

GPU Primegrid

w sumie CPU moze byc Yoyo (zaczalem cos tam liczyc do brakujacych odznak)
GPU no niech bedzie GPUGrid (choc brak mozliwosc dla kart AMD)
Zdobycze / Odznaki World Community Grid
28 Wrzesień 2017, 07:43
World Community Grid: Congratulations, you've earned a Ruby badge for your contribution to Outsmart Ebola Together

Malutka ale ze prawie nie trafiam ..... ;]

Dear Primefinder,

Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique prime number. This computer is assigned to the Generalized Fermat Prime Search n=15 (GFN-15). Since candidates on this subproject are not large enough to report to the Top 5000 Primes List, your prime is visible immediately.

Workunit 539663170 : 59909644^32768+1 (254854 digits)
CPU - DrugDiscovery
TJM a do odznak w projekcie wrócisz ?
czy tak jak w przypadku KLDIO wiemy kto ? :D

About an hour ago Dave GPU (uid 68703) returned a plaintext of KLDIO 90:
Sprzęt / AMD VEGA
11 Wrzesień 2017, 22:37
Cytat: tito w 11 Wrzesień 2017, 09:56
Maszyna z 4xVEGA.

GPU jest 1 a 4 to fiz rdzenie cpu o ile dobrze patrze :]
GPU:Enigma  ;)
GPU: Enigma
u mnie i tak liczy "wielordzeniowo" :]
Z opoznieniem ale cos policze  :p_arr:
Ruszyło! Sam z teamu, sam z kraju ....
CPU :yoyo
GPU: Enigma  :whistle:
na GTX 1060 1Wu to ~5h ale liczylem roznymi GPU (ATI 7870 i 750TI) i to nie w trybie ciaglym

Dla kogos kto liczy FOLDINGa a nie zalezy mu np na teamie jak znalazl - i tak liczy ;]
Status: 220 potwierdzeń
Data: 2017-07-23 06:27
Kwota netto: +2.643064 CUR
ID transakcji: aff2e75d4efb38546719adff91a5b507ce96f9cf5e7078430bf2c02a8b2f9883

za cale na GPU:
WU 5 (certificate)
no wszystko raczej u mnie smiga o.k (oprocz tej 750TI, ktora wywala sie na _x86 a nie dostaje na _x64)
czasy sie ustabilizowaly

Test "liczy" normalne zadanka ?
oj na 7870 prognozuje mi testa na 2h :]
Zdobycze / 10 000 000 [Milionerzy x 10,0]
18 Lipiec 2017, 10:58

Total credit 10,031,052

Enigma 0.76 credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
Enigma AV credit 12,383 total, 374.98 average (999 tasks)
Enigma Cuda credit 7,944,459 total, 318,945.72 average (5493 tasks)

U mnie "poszlo" choc proc raczej AVX ma ;]  :boing:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz [Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9]


Pochwalilem za wczesnie - Computation error sieje znow ;/


kolejny UP

TJM na tej maszynie:

Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise x64 Edition, Service Pack 1, (06.01.7601.00)

Liczy mi na 2 apkach:

Enigma Cuda v1.09 (cuda_fermi) windows_x86_64 - tu jest all ok (liczy poprawnie)

Enigma Cuda v1.09 (cuda_fermi) windows_intelx86 - tu wszystko wywala (Error while computing)

Enigma@home / Best score
13 Lipiec 2017, 14:54
g3_alqfi87_3: score: 39656  settings: B:UJ:XYL:453:BTDWFMLQOYRXUV
ixokotgfrxszaqurschlxtsqubetufsagenpakxussetlibxsarzempflmxdaueuehdlabssqnverpilemfuehx found by mimeq

Cokolwiek to znaczy ;]
Widocznie sie nie lubia ;/

[smg id=10711 type=preview align=center caption="1.07"]

[smg id=10709 type=preview align=center caption="750"]

Na kompie tylko BOINC nic innego nie robi tylko "liczy", zero anty vir niestety dalej nie chce liczyc na 1.06 ;/
Run_m4 chyba ok