
Inne => Archiwum => Wątek zaczęty przez: Nietoperek w 26 Sierpień 2006, 18:30

Wiadomość wysłana przez: Nietoperek w 26 Sierpień 2006, 18:30
kolejny po BAM'ie menadzer kont boinc'a - obecnie w fazie beta testow - z obslugoa 9-ciu projektow - GridRepublic (
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Bober w 06 Luty 2007, 02:41
I odnosi pewne sukcesy...a przynajmniej jest na dobrej drodze:

Wiadomość z 05.02.2007:

Just  head's up-- GridRepublic has been selected as a finalist for  

the Web Awards at the 2007 SXSW Interactive Festival. The "People's  

Choice" award goes to the nominee receiving the most votes at the  

SXSW website.  So we need your help: If you can spare a moment,  

please click below to cast your vote--

According to the rules, you can vote once per day from now through  

midnight March 2nd; so please vote as many days as you can!

If we can pull it off-- with your help-- our hope is that the  

attendant publicity will help us to grow our user base and so grow  

the computing resources available to the projects we're supporting.

Thanks so much for all your support of our cause.

If you have any questions on how to participate, please reply to this  


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