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Wiadomości - lost68er

I would like to bring up the mail that Nicholas Maire, Admin of MalariaControl.net has sent to me (and to the whole Charity Team, I think):

Dear lost68er,

Many thanks for the update, and also again for organizing this!

I think that with very few short interruptions, our server dealt well with the increased load due to the high activity - and for the project, this boost came at a very good time, with a lot of demand for CPU time.

We'll very soon post a long-overdue status update, and will give an update on the science, and acknowledge your effort.
Best regards,
Nicolas Maire
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Dept. Epidemiology & Public Health
CH-4002 Basel

Greets lost  :parrrty:
Proszę nie być smutnym, jeśli miłość remontowane  drużynę, dziś BOINC @ Polska.  Impreza ma się zakończyć w ciągu 2 dni.
A: 9 BOINC @ użytkownicy Polska pomogły! Dziękuję!

I hope, Google Translator has picked the right words. If not, I`m very sorry. But, for the next year I swear to learn more :book: :book:
But, for this event I`d like to say thanks!!!

Regards lost :parrrty:
Cytat: Tomasz R. Gwiazda w 05 Luty 2011, 00:31
to many contest at the same time i think... this one, pg, wcg

Yes, I know about this... :book:
But the spirit of the Charity Contest is to come back to the roots of Distributed Computing: To connect as much computers as possible for scientific research... XD XD....without nationalities, but with fun.. %) %)

let`s make the Charity Team (with users from 19 Nations, look at http://www.malariacontrol.net/top_teams.php) a sign for all crunchers worldwide, that crunching is not for credits, but for rising up scientific research... :book: :book:

Regards, lost68er aka Frank
Hi, Friends!
When I looked at the Charity Team nationalities, I`m very proud to see that there are this much BOINCers from all over the world crunching together for a good project. 9 BOINC Poland members are with us, and we achieved the 36th place of all teams within 5 days. ;D ;D

But we can make more! We`re able to achieve a place within the TOP 20!!!

So, come on and turn your processors to real heat, `cause we want to show the BOINCers all over the world how mighty the CHARITY-idea is!

To have a look at the Charity-Teams place, RAC or  Complete Credit, go to :http://www.malariacontrol.net/top_teams.php
....countdown is on the run....main engines starts in 1:21 hours....

if you want to have a quick look on the Charity-Team-Stats, go to:http://boinc.timo-schneider.de/stats/index_charity.php

Greets lost XD XD
We got a new sign for the 2011 contest,
here it is...

regards, lost :parrrty:
Thank you very much!

I think, we will smash some stones! :parrrty:

Regards, lost ;D ;D
Hi again! :parrrty:
I ask, cause I have no opinion to tranlate our Invition (look above) to polish: Please ask all your members to translate the 1st post to polish... :book: :book:
I think its better to bring this post to everione of your members, to diskuss it all over the team, and, perhaps, to bring it more east.... ;D ;D

Regards, lost  |-? |-?

Google Translator is unable to translate german to polish... :book:

I meant, please take this thread into the Subforum where it fit best. :parrrty:

Regards, lost XD
Proszę przenieść temat w odpowiednie miejsce ... :shame: :shame:

...hope, that`s right ;)


lost :) :)
Cytat: Troll81 w 20 Styczeń 2011, 19:58
Thanks for the invitation. i am sure some of us will participate.

I also suggest visiting polish national team. I also am unable to write russian letters :(


Could you bring this invitation to the Polish National Team? I would be very thankful... :) ::) :)

EDIT: If some of you can invite any team, just do it and inform the rest on http://forum.charity.boinc-af.org/index.php/board,5.0.htmlon the "Advertising"-Thread...
To register on this forum is easy, and we are thankful for every help!

Regards, lost
Przepraszam, bo nie znamy języka polskiego! Dlatego w języku angielskim:

My name is Frank, and I`m member of SetiGermany. In the name of my team and the team l`Alliance Francophone I would like to invite all members of your team to the

2011 Charity Contest! :parrrty:

Like in the past two years we want to build the "Charity Team" again!
I'm writing to tell you that this year's Charity Contest will crunch for MALARIACONTROL.NET!
The Charity Contest is a joint venture between SetiGermany and L'Alliance Francophone, but the "Charity Team", who has just been founded by the Admins of SG and AF, runs on its own, so the credits achieved will only go to the Charity Team Account.
We invite you to crunch with us for 2 weeks together as the temporary "Charity Team"!
The Contest starts on January 30th, 00.00 MEZ and will end on February 12th, 23.59 MEZ.
If you want to participate, you just need to switch over to the Charity Team  for these 2 weeks, and switch back again when the contest is over. The idea behind the Charity Contest is just to bring BOINC users as much as possible together, to crunch for a medical/biological project as a temporary team.
If you have further questions or want to be informed or to talk with the rest of the Charity Team, go  to http://forum.charity.boinc-af.org/in...board,5.0.html
This board is in English (okay, English at the level I speak)! ;)

BTW: If one of you have friendly relations to Boinc team Russia, could you bring this message there? I´m just unable to read or write kyrillic... |-?

So, I hope, it will be a great event!
