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Wiadomości - Martin Fox

CytatHybrid Memory Cube - Jest to pamięć wielowarstwowa lub - inaczej mówiąc - wielopoziomowa. Poziomy te są połączone ze sobą pionowymi stykami. Zastosowanie takiej budowy umożliwiła specjalna warstwa logiczna, dzięki której możliwa jest możliwa szybka komunikacja z procesorem lub jego elementami.
Warte przeczytania, ciekawe kiedy wejdzie do masowej produkcji :)
Archiwum / System operacyjny Haiku
24 Wrzesień 2012, 12:34
CytatDzięki pracy Hamisha Morrisona biorącego udział w tegorocznym Google Summer of Code dla Haiku brama zwana oprogramowaniem dla Javy staneła przed tym systemem otworem.
Z dedykacją dla naszego Trolla :)
Może kogoś zainteresuje?  XD
Cytat: krzyszp w 14 Wrzesień 2012, 19:44
Cytat: Martin Fox w 14 Wrzesień 2012, 18:53
Cytat: Troll81 w 14 Wrzesień 2012, 18:13
i tak dolicza 23% VAT
A w UK niby podatków nie ma?
Są. I dlatego głośno reklamowany "komputer za 35 dolarów" kosztuje 32 funty...
Podstawowa stawka VAT w UK jest 20%
To było pytanie do Trolla, który stwierdził że "doliczą VAT" tak, jakby Polska była jedynym krajem który to robi :P
Cytat: Troll81 w 14 Wrzesień 2012, 18:13
i tak dolicza 23% VAT
A w UK niby podatków nie ma?
No i właśnie dlatego jak będzie dystrybuowany przez salony Sony może będzie taniej :)
Cytat: Ania w 13 Wrzesień 2012, 13:59
Czyli nie będzie to już tanie rozwiązanie ...
Raczej stanieje :P
Cytat"gigant rynku elektronicznego firma Sony podpisał właśnie umowę z twórcami Raspberry Pi na produkcję mini-komputerów na skalę masową. Na początek powstanie 300 tysięcy jednostek urządzenia"
Ja bym sprawdził synca :)
Ciekawostki / Twój operator telefoniczny patrzy
11 Wrzesień 2012, 13:35
Cytat: Piotr R. (Peciak) w 09 Wrzesień 2012, 19:15
skoro tak to http://zmieleni.pl/
Już w środę 12.09 o godzinie 18 zapraszamy wszystkich chętnych na spotkanie z Pawłem Kukizem w ramach akcji zmieleni.pl. Spotkanie odbędzie się na ul. Białoskórniczej 3/1 we Wrocławiu. (Biuro Ruchu na rzecz Jednomandatowych Okręgów Wyborczych). Tym wydarzeniem rozpoczynamy cykl spotkań zmieleni.pl. Jak się zorganizujemy w kilkudziesięciu miastach w Polsce zaczniemy zbierać podpisy na formularzach papierowych. Wkrótce kolejne spotkania i informacje!
Sprzęt / Szukam routera WiFi
09 Wrzesień 2012, 20:11
Cytat: Troll81 w 03 Wrzesień 2012, 19:56
tplink 1043ND

lub jego następca....

Tak przeglądam i... widzę jeden mały problem z 2543 - ma może i dwa zakresy, ale pracuje tylko w jednym na raz. Czyli jak masz w domu urządzenie na 2.4 i chcesz by działało, to 5GHz i tak używać nie będziesz... lipton
Archiwum / Program do skanowania sieci LAN
09 Wrzesień 2012, 17:29
No to zakup http://www.atel.com.pl/produkt.php?hash=06252&pro=12 i w drogę :)
A ja się nie zgadzam - Iron Sky jest zajebisty i polecam go każdemu :)
Archiwum / System operacyjny Haiku
04 Wrzesień 2012, 12:34
Coś z dedykacją dla Trolla :)
CytatAlex Smith, w ramach projektu na tegorocznym Google Summer of Code, przeportował system operacyjny Haiku na architekturę x86_64. Większość aplikacji oraz sterowników jest już dostępna na systemach 64-bitowych, kolejne są w drodze.
Sprzęt / Szukam routera WiFi
04 Wrzesień 2012, 12:11
Proszę :)
Sprzęt / Szukam routera WiFi
03 Wrzesień 2012, 20:23
Może i fajny, ale cena...
Archiwum / Jaki czytnik e-booków kupić?
03 Wrzesień 2012, 14:15
429.75 PLN i możesz dostać fakturę jeśli potrzebujesz.
Archiwum / Jaki czytnik e-booków kupić?
03 Wrzesień 2012, 12:25
Wolałbym nooka
1. Tańszy
2. Nówka
3. Mam sklep, który daje gwarancję, a nie tylko "gwarancję producenta"
Archiwum / Jaki czytnik e-booków kupić?
03 Wrzesień 2012, 10:47
Nook jest na andku :)
Sprzęt / Szukam routera WiFi
02 Wrzesień 2012, 18:52
Dołączam się do pytania - router min. 300Mbit, switch 1GBit, WAN też fajnie by było jakby był 1GBit :)
Do tego możliwość podłączenia drukarki sieciowej po USB. Nie musi mieć możliwości wgrywania zewnętrznego softu, byleby się dało nim sensownie zarządzać. No i fajnie byłoby móc do niego podłączyć po USB dysk jako storage :P
Ciekawostki / Nosił wilk razy kilka...
31 Sierpień 2012, 10:14
Komputery / HD 7990
30 Sierpień 2012, 21:07
Tak, tylko że na pięcioletnią konsolę ciągle wychodzą gry które działają płynnie, a na pięcioletniego PC? :)
Ale to już OT o wyższości świąt ...
Komputery / NAS vs PC
30 Sierpień 2012, 12:05
Też widziałem na iboodzie, ale to chyba troszkę za małe :)
Ciekawostki / Ciekawa zabawa
29 Sierpień 2012, 19:29
szybka podpowiedź:
Archiwum / Wspinaczka
29 Sierpień 2012, 14:17
Na ściance nie, 20zł za wejście z wypożyczeniem sprzętu to nie jest jakoś strasznie dużo. Gorzej w plenerze :P
Archiwum / Oferta liczenia
28 Sierpień 2012, 17:10
No przecież też o tym pisałem :)
Rozmowy nieBOINCowane / ACTA przeszła :(
27 Sierpień 2012, 15:16
To nie prawo czy wymiar sprawiedliwości nie zadziałało w sprawie ambera, tylko ludzie. Kto normalny wierzy w takie cuda jak "gwarantowany" zysk, który nie jest gwarantowany w umowie? Zwykły rozsądek i logika wystarczają. Ale ludzie chcą być oszukiwani.
Wystarczy poczytać - tu kasy nie wpłacali ludzie głupi, tylko wykształceni, którzy, jak sami twierdzą, wiedzieli o ryzyku, a jednak się decydowali. To co, państwo ma myśleć za społeczeństwo?
Komputery / Czytnik czy tablet?
24 Sierpień 2012, 14:43
Nie ma, bo to zupełnie inna filozofia działania.
e-ink ma się czytać jak książkę i ma nie używać baterii do wyświetlania
tablet ma umożliwiać wyświetlanie filmów czy animacji, więc e-ink odpada z założenia

Jeśli jednak chcesz mieć tablet na e-inku - nook simple touch
e-ink, oparty na andku, można zrootować i mieć dostęp do całego andka, wieć można zrobić sobie z tego tablet z dostępem do www, maila itp.
Cytat: Tobas w 23 Sierpień 2012, 12:53
Można by zrobić projekt do zarabiania przez Fundację.
Na pewno nasi by liczyli, mimo że byłby to projekt komercyjny.
Ba, jak dasz pierdyliard punktów, to nie tylko nasi :)
Robisz z tego projekt boinc i dekodujesz hasła na zamówienie :P
Archiwum Radioactive / Jutro Sztolnie Koway
20 Sierpień 2012, 21:16
To czemu ja jeszcze nie mam jednej sztuki modułu? :>
Superkomputer B@P / Wyniki konta SKB@P
20 Sierpień 2012, 12:52
IMO SKB@P nie powinien liczyć w ogóle projektów typu donate, bo jeżeli mamy go do tego wykorzystywać, to po prostu zacznijmy botcoiny produkować.
Archiwum Radioactive / Jutro Sztolnie Koway
20 Sierpień 2012, 08:57
Troll - my to się z wro możemy wybrać weekendowo jakoś, tylko muszę w końcu zasilanie do czujki wykombinować, bo w ten weekend to totalny spontan, bez planowania, całą sztolnię w spodenkach, koszulce na ramiączkach i sandałach zaliczyłem :>
Archiwum Radioactive / Jutro Sztolnie Koway
19 Sierpień 2012, 21:26
Szkoda, że dopiero dziś przeczytałem ten temat, bo dziś zaliczyłem 9tkę :P Przypadkiem, jadąc z Karpacza do znajomych :P
Archiwum / Nvidia 660Ti
17 Sierpień 2012, 12:46
CytatProcesor graficzny GTX 660 Ti jest szybszy średnio o 41% od procesorów GTX 560 Ti z 2011 r. i o 58% od procesorów GTX 470 z 2010 r.
No i cena... od 1349zł
Karty graficzne / AMD obniża ceny
16 Sierpień 2012, 10:23
Cytat: Ania w 16 Sierpień 2012, 10:00
Ty chyba na inne półkuli żyjesz. Gdzie masz takie ceny ?
Jakbyś spojrzała na profil EDU:
CytatMiejsce pobytu:
USA Chicago
Archiwum / problem z przetwarzaniem na ubuntu
16 Sierpień 2012, 10:19
Cytat: Limol w 16 Sierpień 2012, 09:22
już mnie denerwuje to  że jak chce się mieć faktycznie aktualny system z sterownikami to trzeba wszystko z lapy wklepywać... a i tak w większości wypadków się ścina... software center ma wszystko  przedpotopowe jakby wogóle nie byl aktualizowany...
Zaznaczasz co cię interesuje i podmieniasz sources.list :)
Komputery / Radeon + Linux - testy
09 Sierpień 2012, 22:47
fox@APU:~/test/trunk/samples$ ./benchmark_sp
OLib Benchmark.
Written by Lukasz Swierczewski <luk.swierczewski@gmail.com>.
Version: Sequential
Compile date: Aug  9 2012
Compile time: 22:35:58
Architecture: x86_64

[1: FPU-32] Initial test
Calculations... Please wait...
Execution time: 47 seconds
Rate: 2.127660

[1: FPU-32] Final test
Calculations... Please wait...
FP Units Testing...
Execution time: 99 seconds
Special Units Testing...
Execution time: 49 seconds
Performance: [32-bit float types]
0.383818 GFLOPS
2081632 special operations (e.g. sin, cos) per second

[1: FPU-64] Final test
Calculations... Please wait...
FP Units Testing...
Execution time: 115 seconds
Special Units Testing...
Execution time: 42 seconds
Performance: [64-bit float types]
0.031584 GFLOPS
232142 special operations (e.g. sin, cos) per second

[2: ALU-64] Final test
Calculations... Please wait...
Execution time: 30 seconds
Performance: [64-bit integer types]
9873.600013 MIPS

fox@APU:~/test/trunk/samples$ ./benchmark_ocl
OLib Benchmark.
Written by Lukasz Swierczewski <luk.swierczewski@gmail.com>.
Version: OpenCL
Compile date: Aug  9 2012
Compile time: 22:36:28
Architecture: x86_64

--- 1 OpenCL platform(s) found: -----------------------------------------
  -- 0 --
  VERSION = OpenCL 1.2 AMD-APP (923.1)
  NAME = AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
  VENDOR = Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  EXTENSIONS = cl_khr_icd cl_amd_event_callback cl_amd_offline_devices
--- 1 OpenCL device(s) found on platform: -----------------------------------------

  ------------------- 0 -------------------
  DEVICE_NAME = BeaverCreek
  DEVICE_VENDOR = Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  DEVICE_VERSION = OpenCL 1.2 AMD-APP (923.1)
  CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS = cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_ext_atomic_counters_32 cl_amd_device_attribute_query cl_amd_vec3 cl_amd_printf cl_amd_media_ops cl_amd_popcnt

Enter the device number:
Komputery / Radeon + Linux - testy
09 Sierpień 2012, 22:11
rev 39
fox@APU:~/test/trunk/samples$ make benchmark_sp
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona benchmark.cpp -o benchmark_core_sp.o -D USE_SEQUENTIAL
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona ../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp -o olib_benchmark_sp.o
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp: In function 'void benchmark_fp_units_sp(float*, long long unsigned int)':
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:46:9: warning: variable 'a' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:49:9: warning: variable 'b' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp: In function 'void benchmark_fp_units_sp(double*, long long unsigned int)':
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:530:9: warning: variable 'a' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:533:9: warning: variable 'b' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]

../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:38: note: not vectorized: unsupported use in stmt.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:52: note: not vectorized: unsupported use in stmt.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:33: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:522: note: not vectorized: unsupported use in stmt.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:536: note: not vectorized: unsupported use in stmt.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:517: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1007: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1014: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1001: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp: In function 'void benchmark_special_units_sp(float*, long long unsigned int)':
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1017:18: warning: 'tmp' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]

../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1037: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1044: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1031: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp: In function 'void benchmark_special_units_sp(double*, long long unsigned int)':
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1047:19: warning: 'tmp' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]

../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1072: note: not vectorized: multiple nested loops.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1075: note: not vectorized: number of iterations cannot be computed.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1075: note: not vectorized: Bad inner loop.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1079: note: not vectorized: number of iterations cannot be computed.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1061: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.
g++ -Wall benchmark_core_sp.o olib_benchmark_sp.o -o benchmark_sp

fox@APU:~/test/trunk/samples$ make benchmark_ocl
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona -I/opt/AMDAPP/include benchmark.cpp -o benchmark_core_ocl.o -D USE_OPENCL
benchmark.cpp: In function 'int main(int, char**)':
benchmark.cpp:215:26: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona -I/opt/AMDAPP/include ../primitives/olib_primitives_ocl.cpp
../primitives/olib_primitives_ocl.cpp: In function 'int support_fp64(int)':
../primitives/olib_primitives_ocl.cpp:79:84: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
../primitives/olib_primitives_ocl.cpp: In function 'int search_devices(_cl_device_id**, cl_uint*)':
../primitives/olib_primitives_ocl.cpp:102:18: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
../primitives/olib_primitives_ocl.cpp:131:19: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
../primitives/olib_primitives_ocl.cpp: In function 'char* olib_read_opencl_kernel(char*)':
../primitives/olib_primitives_ocl.cpp:238:21: warning: variable 'readlen' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]

/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:105: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:105: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../primitives/olib_primitives_ocl.cpp:94: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona ../sp/olib_strings_sp.cpp

../sp/olib_strings_sp.cpp:71: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_strings_sp.cpp:71: note: not vectorized: Bad inner loop.
../sp/olib_strings_sp.cpp:74: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_strings_sp.cpp:48: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_strings_sp.cpp:48: note: not vectorized: Bad inner loop.
../sp/olib_strings_sp.cpp:52: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_strings_sp.cpp:35: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona -I/opt/AMDAPP/include ../opencl/olib_benchmark_ocl.cpp
../opencl/olib_benchmark_ocl.cpp: In function 'int benchmark_fp_units_ocl(float*, long long unsigned int, int, long long unsigned int)':
../opencl/olib_benchmark_ocl.cpp:41:110: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
../opencl/olib_benchmark_ocl.cpp: In function 'int benchmark_fp_units_ocl(double*, long long unsigned int, int, long long unsigned int)':
../opencl/olib_benchmark_ocl.cpp:173:111: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
../opencl/olib_benchmark_ocl.cpp: In function 'int benchmark_special_units_ocl(float*, long long unsigned int, int, long long unsigned int)':
../opencl/olib_benchmark_ocl.cpp:306:115: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
../opencl/olib_benchmark_ocl.cpp: In function 'int benchmark_special_units_ocl(double*, long long unsigned int, int, long long unsigned int)':
../opencl/olib_benchmark_ocl.cpp:439:116: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
../opencl/olib_benchmark_ocl.cpp: In function 'int benchmark_mips_units_ocl(float*, long long unsigned int, int, long long unsigned int)':
../opencl/olib_benchmark_ocl.cpp:575:106: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
g++ -Wall benchmark_core_ocl.o olib_primitives_ocl.o olib_strings_sp.o olib_benchmark_ocl.o -o benchmark_ocl -lOpenCL

fox@APU:~/test/trunk/samples$ make burner_sp
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona burner.cpp -o burner_core_sp.o -D USE_SEQUENTIAL

/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:105: note: not vectorized: multiple exits.
burner.cpp:118: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.
g++ -Wall burner_core_sp.o olib_benchmark_sp.o -o burner_sp
fox@APU:~/test/trunk/samples$ make burner_ocl
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona -I/opt/AMDAPP/include burner.cpp -o burner_core_ocl.o -D USE_OPENCL
burner.cpp: In function 'int main(int, char**)':
burner.cpp:171:26: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]

/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:105: note: not vectorized: multiple exits.
burner.cpp:118: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.
g++ -Wall burner_core_ocl.o olib_primitives_ocl.o olib_strings_sp.o olib_benchmark_ocl.o -o burner_ocl -lOpenCL

fox@APU:~/test/trunk/samples$ make shor_algorithm_ocl_float
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona shor_algorithm.cpp -o shor_algorithm_ocl_core_float.o -D USE_OPENCL -D FLOAT_PRECISION
shor_algorithm.cpp: In function 'int main(int, char**)':
shor_algorithm.cpp:518:53: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
shor_algorithm.cpp:633:164: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args]
shor_algorithm.cpp:1107:18: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
shor_algorithm.cpp:1222:173: warning: format '%lld' expects argument of type 'long long int', but argument 6 has type 'double' [-Wformat]
shor_algorithm.cpp:1222:173: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args]
shor_algorithm.cpp:1226:162: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args]

shor_algorithm.cpp:714: note: Detected interleaving *collapse.9_140[i_2].imag and *collapse.9_140[i_2].real
shor_algorithm.cpp:714: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
shor_algorithm.cpp:714: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
shor_algorithm.cpp:714: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
shor_algorithm.cpp:714: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
shor_algorithm.cpp:714: note: vect_model_load_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
shor_algorithm.cpp:714: note: vect_model_load_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
shor_algorithm.cpp:714: note: not vectorized: relevant stmt not supported: cstore.35_400 = [cond_expr] value_242 == D.25145_245 ? 1.0e+0 : 0.0;

shor_algorithm.cpp:679: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
shor_algorithm.cpp:518: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
shor_algorithm.cpp:505: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
shor_algorithm.cpp:452: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
shor_algorithm.cpp:384: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
shor_algorithm.cpp:214: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.
shor_algorithm.cpp:1107:3: warning: 'factor' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona ../primitives/olib_primitives.cpp

../primitives/olib_primitives.cpp:266: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../primitives/olib_primitives.cpp:261: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../primitives/olib_primitives.cpp:282: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../primitives/olib_primitives.cpp:285: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../primitives/olib_primitives.cpp:276: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../primitives/olib_primitives.cpp:305: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../primitives/olib_primitives.cpp:308: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../primitives/olib_primitives.cpp:299: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona ../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:63: note: dependence distance  = 0.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:63: note: dependence distance == 0 between D.25881_10->imag and D.25881_10->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:63: note: dependence distance  = 0.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:63: note: accesses have the same alignment.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:63: note: dependence distance modulo vf == 0 between D.25881_10->imag and D.25881_10->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:63: note: Detected single element interleaving D.25881_10->imag step 8
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:63: note: not vectorized: complicated access pattern.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:56: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:77: note: dependence distance  = 0.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:77: note: dependence distance == 0 between D.25872_10->imag and D.25872_10->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:77: note: dependence distance  = 0.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:77: note: accesses have the same alignment.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:77: note: dependence distance modulo vf == 0 between D.25872_10->imag and D.25872_10->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:77: note: Detected single element interleaving D.25872_10->imag step 16
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:77: note: not vectorized: complicated access pattern.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:70: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:91: note: not vectorized: no vectype for stmt: D.25864_11 = D.25863_10->imag;
scalar_type: long double
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:84: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:129: note: not vectorized: inner-loop count not invariant.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:131: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:119: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:152: note: not vectorized: inner-loop count not invariant.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:154: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:142: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:175: note: not vectorized: inner-loop count not invariant.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:177: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:165: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:225: note: not vectorized: data ref analysis failed D.25790_18->real = 1.0e+0;

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:216: note: Detected interleaving D.25782_9->real and D.25782_9->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:216: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:216: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:216: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 1 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:216: note: cost model: epilogue peel iters set to vf/2 because loop iterations are unknown .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:216: note: Cost model analysis:
  Vector inside of loop cost: 2
  Vector outside of loop cost: 9
  Scalar iteration cost: 2
  Scalar outside cost: 6
  prologue iterations: 0
  epilogue iterations: 1
  Calculated minimum iters for profitability: 3

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:216: note:   Profitability threshold = 2

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:216: note: Profitability threshold is 2 loop iterations.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:216: note: vectorizing stmts using SLP.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:216: note: LOOP VECTORIZED.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:209: note: vectorized 1 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:248: note: not vectorized: data ref analysis failed D.25775_18->real = 1.0e+0;

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:239: note: Detected interleaving D.25767_9->real and D.25767_9->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:239: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:239: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:239: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 1 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:239: note: cost model: epilogue peel iters set to vf/2 because loop iterations are unknown .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:239: note: cost model: the vector iteration cost = 2 divided by the scalar iteration cost = 2 is greater or equal to the vectorization factor = 1.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:239: note: not vectorized: vectorization not profitable.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:232: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:271: note: not vectorized: data ref analysis failed D.25760_18->real = 1.0e+0;

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:262: note: not vectorized: no vectype for stmt: D.25752_9->real = 0.0;
scalar_type: long double
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:255: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:311: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:304: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:326: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:319: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:341: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:334: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:380: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:373: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:395: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:388: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:410: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:403: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:460: note: not vectorized: multiple nested loops.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:462: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:469: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:442: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:517: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:508: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:534: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:525: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:551: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:542: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:597: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:581: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:622: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:606: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:646: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:630: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:687: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:680: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:704: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:697: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:719: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:712: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:770: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:772: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:760: note: Detected interleaving D.25501_9->real and D.25501_9->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:760: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:760: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:760: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 1 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:760: note: cost model: epilogue peel iters set to vf/2 because loop iterations are unknown .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:760: note: Cost model analysis:
  Vector inside of loop cost: 2
  Vector outside of loop cost: 9
  Scalar iteration cost: 2
  Scalar outside cost: 6
  prologue iterations: 0
  epilogue iterations: 1
  Calculated minimum iters for profitability: 3

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:760: note:   Profitability threshold = 2

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:760: note: Profitability threshold is 2 loop iterations.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:760: note: vectorizing stmts using SLP.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:760: note: LOOP VECTORIZED.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:753: note: vectorized 1 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:802: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:804: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:792: note: Detected interleaving D.25479_9->real and D.25479_9->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:792: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:792: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:792: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 1 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:792: note: cost model: epilogue peel iters set to vf/2 because loop iterations are unknown .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:792: note: cost model: the vector iteration cost = 2 divided by the scalar iteration cost = 2 is greater or equal to the vectorization factor = 1.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:792: note: not vectorized: vectorization not profitable.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:785: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:833: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:835: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:823: note: not vectorized: no vectype for stmt: D.25457_9->real = 0.0;
scalar_type: long double
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:816: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:880: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:882: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:873: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:900: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:902: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:893: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:920: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:922: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:913: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: dependence distance  = 0.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: dependence distance == 0 between D.25381_28->real and D.25381_28->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: Detected interleaving D.25381_28->real and D.25381_28->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: Detected interleaving D.25381_28->real and D.25381_28->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: dependence distance  = 0.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: dependence distance == 0 between D.25381_28->imag and D.25381_28->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: dependence distance  = 0.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: accesses have the same alignment.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: dependence distance modulo vf == 0 between D.25381_28->real and D.25381_28->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: dependence distance  = 0.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: accesses have the same alignment.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: dependence distance modulo vf == 0 between D.25381_28->imag and D.25381_28->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: vect_model_simple_cost: inside_cost = 1, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: vect_model_simple_cost: inside_cost = 1, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: vect_model_simple_cost: inside_cost = 1, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: vect_model_load_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: vect_model_load_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: cost model: epilogue peel iters set to vf/2 because loop iterations are unknown .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: Cost model analysis:
  Vector inside of loop cost: 7
  Vector outside of loop cost: 16
  Scalar iteration cost: 10
  Scalar outside cost: 6
  prologue iterations: 0
  epilogue iterations: 1
  Calculated minimum iters for profitability: 2

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note:   Profitability threshold = 1

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: Profitability threshold is 1 loop iterations.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: vectorizing stmts using SLP.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:949: note: LOOP VECTORIZED.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:942: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:935: note: vectorized 1 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: dependence distance  = 0.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: dependence distance == 0 between D.25363_26->real and D.25363_26->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: Detected interleaving D.25363_26->real and D.25363_26->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: Detected interleaving D.25363_26->real and D.25363_26->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: dependence distance  = 0.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: dependence distance == 0 between D.25363_26->imag and D.25363_26->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: dependence distance  = 0.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: accesses have the same alignment.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: dependence distance modulo vf == 0 between D.25363_26->real and D.25363_26->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: dependence distance  = 0.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: accesses have the same alignment.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: dependence distance modulo vf == 0 between D.25363_26->imag and D.25363_26->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: vect_model_simple_cost: inside_cost = 1, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: vect_model_load_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: vect_model_load_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: cost model: epilogue peel iters set to vf/2 because loop iterations are unknown .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: Cost model analysis:
  Vector inside of loop cost: 5
  Vector outside of loop cost: 6
  Scalar iteration cost: 6
  Scalar outside cost: 6
  prologue iterations: 0
  epilogue iterations: 0
  Calculated minimum iters for profitability: 1

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note:   Profitability threshold = 0

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: vectorizing stmts using SLP.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:971: note: LOOP VECTORIZED.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:964: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:957: note: vectorized 1 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:993: note: not vectorized: no vectype for stmt: D.25341_32 = D.25340_31->real;
scalar_type: long double
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:986: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:979: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.25331_10->real and D.25330_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.25331_10->real and D.25330_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: Detected interleaving D.25331_10->real and D.25331_10->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.25331_10->real and D.25330_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.25331_10->real and D.25330_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: Detected interleaving D.25330_7->real and D.25330_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.25331_10->imag and D.25330_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.25331_10->imag and D.25330_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: found equal ranges D.25331_10->real, D.25330_7->imag and D.25331_10->real, D.25330_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: found equal ranges D.25331_10->imag, D.25330_7->imag and D.25331_10->real, D.25330_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: vect_model_load_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: vect_model_load_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: cost model: Adding cost of checks for loop versioning aliasing.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: cost model: epilogue peel iters set to vf/2 because loop iterations are unknown .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: Cost model analysis:
  Vector inside of loop cost: 4
  Vector outside of loop cost: 14
  Scalar iteration cost: 4
  Scalar outside cost: 1
  prologue iterations: 0
  epilogue iterations: 1
  Calculated minimum iters for profitability: 6

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note:   Profitability threshold = 5

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: Profitability threshold is 5 loop iterations.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: create runtime check for data references D.25331_10->real and D.25330_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: created 1 versioning for alias checks.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: vectorizing stmts using SLP.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1008: note: LOOP VECTORIZED.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1003: note: vectorized 1 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.25321_10->real and D.25320_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.25321_10->real and D.25320_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: Detected interleaving D.25321_10->real and D.25321_10->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.25321_10->real and D.25320_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.25321_10->real and D.25320_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: Detected interleaving D.25320_7->real and D.25320_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.25321_10->imag and D.25320_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.25321_10->imag and D.25320_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: found equal ranges D.25321_10->real, D.25320_7->imag and D.25321_10->real, D.25320_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: found equal ranges D.25321_10->imag, D.25320_7->imag and D.25321_10->real, D.25320_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: vect_model_load_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: vect_model_load_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: cost model: Adding cost of checks for loop versioning aliasing.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: cost model: epilogue peel iters set to vf/2 because loop iterations are unknown .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: cost model: the vector iteration cost = 4 divided by the scalar iteration cost = 4 is greater or equal to the vectorization factor = 1.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1021: note: not vectorized: vectorization not profitable.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1016: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1034: note: not vectorized: no vectype for stmt: D.25312_11 = D.25311_10->real;
scalar_type: long double
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1029: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.25299_10->real and D.25297_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.25299_10->real and D.25297_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: Detected interleaving D.25299_10->real and D.25299_10->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.25299_10->real and D.25297_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.25299_10->real and D.25297_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: Detected interleaving D.25297_7->real and D.25297_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.25299_10->imag and D.25297_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.25299_10->imag and D.25297_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: found equal ranges D.25299_10->real, D.25297_7->imag and D.25299_10->real, D.25297_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: found equal ranges D.25299_10->imag, D.25297_7->imag and D.25299_10->real, D.25297_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: vect_model_simple_cost: inside_cost = 1, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: vect_model_load_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: vect_model_load_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: cost model: Adding cost of checks for loop versioning aliasing.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: cost model: epilogue peel iters set to vf/2 because loop iterations are unknown .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: Cost model analysis:
  Vector inside of loop cost: 5
  Vector outside of loop cost: 16
  Scalar iteration cost: 6
  Scalar outside cost: 1
  prologue iterations: 0
  epilogue iterations: 1
  Calculated minimum iters for profitability: 4

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note:   Profitability threshold = 3

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: Profitability threshold is 3 loop iterations.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: create runtime check for data references D.25299_10->real and D.25297_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: created 1 versioning for alias checks.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: vectorizing stmts using SLP.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1047: note: LOOP VECTORIZED.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1042: note: vectorized 1 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1060: note: not vectorized: no vectype for stmt: D.25287_11 = D.25286_10->real;
scalar_type: long double
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1055: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.25273_10->real and D.25271_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.25273_10->real and D.25271_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: Detected interleaving D.25273_10->real and D.25273_10->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.25273_10->real and D.25271_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.25273_10->real and D.25271_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: Detected interleaving D.25271_7->real and D.25271_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.25273_10->imag and D.25271_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.25273_10->imag and D.25271_7->imag
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: found equal ranges D.25273_10->real, D.25271_7->imag and D.25273_10->real, D.25271_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: found equal ranges D.25273_10->imag, D.25271_7->imag and D.25273_10->real, D.25271_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: vect_model_simple_cost: inside_cost = 1, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: vect_model_load_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: vect_model_load_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: cost model: Adding cost of checks for loop versioning aliasing.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: cost model: epilogue peel iters set to vf/2 because loop iterations are unknown .
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: Cost model analysis:
  Vector inside of loop cost: 5
  Vector outside of loop cost: 16
  Scalar iteration cost: 6
  Scalar outside cost: 1
  prologue iterations: 0
  epilogue iterations: 1
  Calculated minimum iters for profitability: 4

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note:   Profitability threshold = 3

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: Profitability threshold is 3 loop iterations.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: create runtime check for data references D.25273_10->real and D.25271_7->real
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: created 1 versioning for alias checks.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: vectorizing stmts using SLP.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1074: note: LOOP VECTORIZED.
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1069: note: vectorized 1 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1088: note: not vectorized: no vectype for stmt: D.25261_11 = D.25260_10->real;
scalar_type: long double
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1083: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1101: note: not vectorized: no vectype for stmt: D.25245_7->real = D.25249_12;
scalar_type: long double
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1096: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1114: note: not vectorized: no vectype for stmt: D.25232_7->real = D.25236_12;
scalar_type: long double
../sp/olib_linear_algebra_sp.cpp:1109: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona ../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp

../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:231: note: not vectorized: number of iterations cannot be computed.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:227: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:246: note: not vectorized: unexpected loop form.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:243: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:270: note: not vectorized: number of iterations cannot be computed.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:257: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:289: note: not vectorized: unexpected loop form.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:289: note: not vectorized: Bad inner loop.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:297: note: not vectorized: unexpected loop form.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:282: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.24987_10->real and D.24986_7->real
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.24987_10->real and D.24986_7->real
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: Detected interleaving D.24987_10->real and D.24987_10->imag
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.24987_10->real and D.24986_7->imag
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.24987_10->real and D.24986_7->imag
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: Detected interleaving D.24986_7->real and D.24986_7->imag
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.24987_10->imag and D.24986_7->imag
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.24987_10->imag and D.24986_7->imag
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: found equal ranges D.24987_10->real, D.24986_7->imag and D.24987_10->real, D.24986_7->real
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: found equal ranges D.24987_10->imag, D.24986_7->imag and D.24987_10->real, D.24986_7->real
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: vect_model_load_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: vect_model_load_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: cost model: Adding cost of checks for loop versioning aliasing.

../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: cost model: epilogue peel iters set to vf/2 because loop iterations are unknown .
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: cost model: the vector iteration cost = 4 divided by the scalar iteration cost = 4 is greater or equal to the vectorization factor = 1.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:325: note: not vectorized: vectorization not profitable.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:321: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:188: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:188: note: not vectorized: Bad inner loop.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:192: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:146: note: Detected interleaving *init.6_23[i_96].real and *init.6_23[i_96].imag
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:146: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:146: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:146: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 1 .
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:146: note: cost model: epilogue peel iters set to vf/2 because loop iterations are unknown .
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:146: note: cost model: the vector iteration cost = 2 divided by the scalar iteration cost = 2 is greater or equal to the vectorization factor = 1.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:146: note: not vectorized: vectorization not profitable.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:133: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.24977_10->real and D.24976_7->real
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.24977_10->real and D.24976_7->real
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: Detected interleaving D.24977_10->real and D.24977_10->imag
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.24977_10->real and D.24976_7->imag
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.24977_10->real and D.24976_7->imag
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: Detected interleaving D.24976_7->real and D.24976_7->imag
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between D.24977_10->imag and D.24976_7->imag
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between D.24977_10->imag and D.24976_7->imag
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: found equal ranges D.24977_10->real, D.24976_7->imag and D.24977_10->real, D.24976_7->real
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: found equal ranges D.24977_10->imag, D.24976_7->imag and D.24977_10->real, D.24976_7->real
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: vect_model_load_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: vect_model_load_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: cost model: Adding cost of checks for loop versioning aliasing.

../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: cost model: epilogue peel iters set to vf/2 because loop iterations are unknown .
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: Cost model analysis:
  Vector inside of loop cost: 4
  Vector outside of loop cost: 14
  Scalar iteration cost: 4
  Scalar outside cost: 1
  prologue iterations: 0
  epilogue iterations: 1
  Calculated minimum iters for profitability: 6

../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note:   Profitability threshold = 5

../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: Profitability threshold is 5 loop iterations.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: create runtime check for data references D.24977_10->real and D.24976_7->real
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: created 1 versioning for alias checks.

../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: vectorizing stmts using SLP.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:337: note: LOOP VECTORIZED.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:333: note: vectorized 1 loops in function.

../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:95: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:95: note: not vectorized: Bad inner loop.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:99: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:52: note: Detected interleaving *init.14_23[i_106].real and *init.14_23[i_106].imag
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:52: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:52: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:52: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 1 .
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:52: note: cost model: epilogue peel iters set to vf/2 because loop iterations are unknown .
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:52: note: Cost model analysis:
  Vector inside of loop cost: 2
  Vector outside of loop cost: 9
  Scalar iteration cost: 2
  Scalar outside cost: 6
  prologue iterations: 0
  epilogue iterations: 1
  Calculated minimum iters for profitability: 3

../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:52: note:   Profitability threshold = 2

../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:52: note: Profitability threshold is 2 loop iterations.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:52: note: vectorizing stmts using SLP.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:52: note: LOOP VECTORIZED.
../sp/olib_quantum_sp.cpp:39: note: vectorized 1 loops in function.
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona -I/opt/AMDAPP/include ../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp: In function 'int dqft_ocl(complex_float*, long long unsigned int, int, int)':
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:62:97: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp: In function 'int dqft_ocl(complex_double*, long long unsigned int, int, int)':
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:254:98: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]

../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:77: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:55: note: Detected interleaving *init.21_23[i_60].real and *init.21_23[i_60].imag
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:55: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:55: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:55: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 1 .
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:55: note: cost model: epilogue peel iters set to vf/2 because loop iterations are unknown .
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:55: note: Cost model analysis:
  Vector inside of loop cost: 2
  Vector outside of loop cost: 9
  Scalar iteration cost: 2
  Scalar outside cost: 6
  prologue iterations: 0
  epilogue iterations: 1
  Calculated minimum iters for profitability: 3

../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:55: note:   Profitability threshold = 2

../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:55: note: Profitability threshold is 2 loop iterations.
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:55: note: vectorizing stmts using SLP.
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:55: note: LOOP VECTORIZED.
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:41: note: vectorized 1 loops in function.

../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:269: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:244: note: Detected interleaving *init.2_23[i_48].real and *init.2_23[i_48].imag
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:244: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:244: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:244: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 1 .
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:244: note: cost model: epilogue peel iters set to vf/2 because loop iterations are unknown .
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:244: note: cost model: the vector iteration cost = 2 divided by the scalar iteration cost = 2 is greater or equal to the vectorization factor = 1.
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:244: note: not vectorized: vectorization not profitable.
../opencl/olib_quantum_ocl.cpp:229: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona ../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp

../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:64: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:57: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:106: note: not vectorized: number of iterations cannot be computed.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:101: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:106: note: not vectorized: number of iterations cannot be computed.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:139: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:181: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:168: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:220: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:217: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:293: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:252: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:319: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:310: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:305: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:359: note: not vectorized: number of iterations cannot be computed.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:352: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:385: note: not vectorized: number of iterations cannot be computed.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:378: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:411: note: not vectorized: number of iterations cannot be computed.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:404: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:436: note: not vectorized: number of iterations cannot be computed.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:429: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:483: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:474: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:508: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:499: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:533: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:524: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:558: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:549: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:587: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
../sp/olib_discrete_sp.cpp:578: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.
g++ -Wall shor_algorithm_ocl_core_float.o olib_primitives.o olib_linear_algebra_sp.o olib_quantum_sp.o olib_quantum_ocl.o olib_discrete_sp.o olib_primitives_ocl.o olib_strings_sp.o -o shor_algorithm_ocl_float -lOpenCL

fox@APU:~/test/trunk/samples$ make shor_algorithm_ocl_double
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona shor_algorithm.cpp -o shor_algorithm_ocl_core_double.o -D USE_OPENCL -D DOUBLE_PRECISION
shor_algorithm.cpp: In function 'int main(int, char**)':
shor_algorithm.cpp:518:53: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
shor_algorithm.cpp:633:164: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args]
shor_algorithm.cpp:1107:18: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
shor_algorithm.cpp:1222:173: warning: format '%lld' expects argument of type 'long long int', but argument 6 has type 'double' [-Wformat]
shor_algorithm.cpp:1222:173: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args]
shor_algorithm.cpp:1226:162: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args]

shor_algorithm.cpp:714: note: Detected interleaving *collapse.9_140[i_2].imag and *collapse.9_140[i_2].real
shor_algorithm.cpp:714: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
shor_algorithm.cpp:714: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
shor_algorithm.cpp:714: note: vect_model_store_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
shor_algorithm.cpp:714: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
shor_algorithm.cpp:714: note: vect_model_load_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
shor_algorithm.cpp:714: note: vect_model_load_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
shor_algorithm.cpp:714: note: not vectorized: relevant stmt not supported: cstore.33_397 = [cond_expr] value_242 == D.25144_245 ? 1.0e+0 : 0.0;

shor_algorithm.cpp:679: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
shor_algorithm.cpp:518: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
shor_algorithm.cpp:505: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
shor_algorithm.cpp:452: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
shor_algorithm.cpp:384: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
shor_algorithm.cpp:214: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.
shor_algorithm.cpp:1107:3: warning: 'factor' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]
g++ -Wall shor_algorithm_ocl_core_double.o olib_primitives.o olib_linear_algebra_sp.o olib_quantum_sp.o olib_quantum_ocl.o olib_discrete_sp.o olib_primitives_ocl.o olib_strings_sp.o -o shor_algorithm_ocl_double -lOpenCL
Komputery / Radeon + Linux - testy
09 Sierpień 2012, 10:09
fox@APU:~/test/trunk/samples$ make benchmark_sp
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona benchmark.cpp -o benchmark_core_sp.o -D USE_SEQUENTIAL
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona ../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp -o olib_benchmark_sp.o
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp: In function 'void benchmark_fp_units_sp(float*, long long unsigned int)':
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:46:9: warning: variable 'a' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:49:9: warning: variable 'b' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp: In function 'void benchmark_fp_units_sp(double*, long long unsigned int)':
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:530:9: warning: variable 'a' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:533:9: warning: variable 'b' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]

../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:38: note: not vectorized: unsupported use in stmt.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:52: note: not vectorized: unsupported use in stmt.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:33: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:522: note: not vectorized: unsupported use in stmt.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:536: note: not vectorized: unsupported use in stmt.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:517: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1007: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1014: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1001: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp: In function 'void benchmark_special_units_sp(float*, long long unsigned int)':
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1017:18: warning: 'tmp' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]

../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1037: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1044: note: not vectorized: loop contains function calls or data references that cannot be analyzed
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1031: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp: In function 'void benchmark_special_units_sp(double*, long long unsigned int)':
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1047:19: warning: 'tmp' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]

../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1072: note: not vectorized: multiple nested loops.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1075: note: not vectorized: number of iterations cannot be computed.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1075: note: not vectorized: Bad inner loop.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1079: note: not vectorized: number of iterations cannot be computed.
../sp/olib_benchmark_sp.cpp:1061: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.
g++ -Wall benchmark_core_sp.o olib_benchmark_sp.o -o benchmark_sp

fox@APU:~/test/trunk/samples$ make benchmark_ocl
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -msse2 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 -march=nocona benchmark.cpp -o benchmark_core_ocl.o -D USE_OPENCL
benchmark.cpp:69:21: fatal error: CL/cl.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [benchmark_core_ocl.o] Error 1

fox@APU:~/test/trunk/samples$ ./benchmark_sp
OLib Benchmark.
Written by Lukasz Swierczewski <luk.swierczewski@gmail.com>.
Version: Sequential
Compile date: Aug  9 2012
Compile time: 09:52:49
Architecture: x86_64

[1: FPU-32] Initial test
Calculations... Please wait...
Execution time: 46 seconds
Rate: 2.173913

[1: FPU-32] Final test
Calculations... Please wait...
FP Units Testing...
Execution time: 101 seconds
Special Units Testing...
Execution time: 49 seconds
Performance: [32-bit float types]
0.384516 GFLOPS
2127551 special operations (e.g. sin, cos) per second

[1: FPU-64] Final test
Calculations... Please wait...
FP Units Testing...
Execution time: 118 seconds
Special Units Testing...
Execution time: 41 seconds
Performance: [64-bit float types]
0.030781 GFLOPS
237804 special operations (e.g. sin, cos) per second

[2: ALU-64] Final test
Calculations... Please wait...
Execution time: 31 seconds
Performance: [64-bit integer types]
9765.870981 MIPS