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Wiadomości - bazylek

2007-11-08 23:04:45||Starting BOINC client version 5.10.28 for windows_intelx86
2007-11-08 23:04:45||log flags: task, file_xfer, sched_ops
2007-11-08 23:04:45||Libraries: libcurl/7.17.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8e zlib/1.2.3
2007-11-08 23:04:45||Data directory: C:\Program Files\BOINC
2007-11-08 23:04:45||Processor: 1 AuthenticAMD AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 2800+ [x86 Family 15 Model 79 Stepping 2]
2007-11-08 23:04:45||Processor features: fpu tsc pae nx sse sse2 3dnow mmx
2007-11-08 23:04:45||OS: Microsoft Windows XP: Professional Edition, Dodatek Service Pack 2, (05.01.2600.00)
2007-11-08 23:04:45||Memory: 959.48 MB physical, 2.26 GB virtual
2007-11-08 23:04:45||Disk: 19.53 GB total, 14.72 GB free
2007-11-08 23:04:45||Local time is UTC +1 hours
2007-11-08 23:04:45||Version change (5.10.20 -> 5.10.28)
2007-11-08 23:04:45|boincsimap|URL:; Computer ID: 82526; location: (none); project prefs: default
2007-11-08 23:04:45|Leiden Classical|URL:; Computer ID: 30098; location: home; project prefs: default
2007-11-08 23:04:45|SETI@home|URL:; Computer ID: 3797601; location: home; project prefs: default
2007-11-08 23:04:45||General prefs: from SETI@home (last modified 01-Dec-2005 19:54:15)
2007-11-08 23:04:45||Host location: home
2007-11-08 23:04:45||General prefs: no separate prefs for home; using your defaults
2007-11-08 23:04:45||Reading preferences override file
2007-11-08 23:04:45||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 479.74MB
2007-11-08 23:04:45||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 863.54MB
2007-11-08 23:04:45||Preferences limit disk usage to 9.77GB
2007-11-08 23:04:45||Running CPU benchmarks
2007-11-08 23:04:49||Access to reference site failed - check network connection or proxy configuration.
2007-11-08 23:05:17||Benchmark results:
2007-11-08 23:05:17||   Number of CPUs: 1
2007-11-08 23:05:17||   1634 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
2007-11-08 23:05:17||   2983 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
2007-11-08 23:07:27||Fetching configuration file from p
2007-11-08 23:08:52|boincsimap|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.  Requesting 108000 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
2007-11-08 23:09:03|boincsimap|Scheduler request succeeded: got 2 new tasks
2007-11-08 23:09:05|boincsimap|Started download of 7110205.002917
2007-11-08 23:09:05|boincsimap|Started download of 7110205.002857
2007-11-08 23:09:08|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.  Requesting 4800 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
2007-11-08 23:09:43|SETI@home|Scheduler request succeeded: got 1 new tasks
2007-11-08 23:09:45|SETI@home|Started download of 03mr07ah.24003.5704.11.6.188
2007-11-08 23:10:42|SETI@home|Finished download of 03mr07ah.24003.5704.11.6.188
2007-11-08 23:10:43|SETI@home|Starting 03mr07ah.24003.5704.11.6.188_0
2007-11-08 23:10:43|SETI@home|Starting task 03mr07ah.24003.5704.11.6.188_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 527
2007-11-08 23:13:27|boincsimap|Finished download of 7110205.002917
2007-11-08 23:13:36|boincsimap|Finished download of 7110205.002857
2007-11-08 23:14:59|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.  Requesting 388 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
2007-11-08 23:15:59|SETI@home|Scheduler request failed: HTTP service unavailable
2007-11-08 23:16:59|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.  Requesting 1426 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
2007-11-08 23:18:39|SETI@home|Scheduler request failed: HTTP gateway timeout
2007-11-08 23:19:39|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.  Requesting 2745 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
2007-11-08 23:21:14|SETI@home|Scheduler request failed: HTTP gateway timeout
2007-11-08 23:22:14|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.  Requesting 3728 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
2007-11-08 23:22:30|SETI@home|Scheduler request succeeded: got 0 new tasks
2007-11-08 23:23:30|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.  Requesting 4342 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
2007-11-08 23:23:40|SETI@home|Scheduler request succeeded: got 1 new tasks
2007-11-08 23:23:42|SETI@home|Started download of 03mr07ah.4929.8951.11.6.232
2007-11-08 23:28:31||Fetching configuration file from p
2007-11-08 23:29:37||Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
2007-11-08 23:29:37|SETI@home|Temporarily failed download of 03mr07ah.4929.8951.11.6.232: http error
2007-11-08 23:29:37|SETI@home|Backing off 1 min 0 sec on download of 03mr07ah.4929.8951.11.6.232
2007-11-08 23:29:43||Access to reference site succeeded - project servers may be temporarily down.
narazie wklejam tylko jedna linijke
2007-11-05 17:23:56||Fetching configuration file from p
i nie ma odpowiedzi
okazuje sie, ze mam nawet konto na klimacie, czyli,ze kiedys juz uczestniczylem, co ja moge wiecej napisac, komputer zmienilem na nowy, moze jest problem z linkiem, z tego co czytalem na forum, taki problem sie pojawial, tylko, ze odpowiedzi sa po angielsku, a ja nie znam go jeszcze tak biegle
---------- 03:27 01.11.2007 ----------

dzieki panowie, moge poczekac kilka dni, ale troche mnie to denerwuje, za jakis czas dam znac czy cos sie zmienilo

---------- 22:34 02.11.2007 ----------

juz jakis tydzien minal odkad próbuje sie połaczyc z climatem i ciegle nic
witam, mam zaistalowany boinc w wersji 5.10.20, klikam w link, a boinc menadżer odpowiada, że projekt jest tymczasowo niedostępny, co zrobić aby sie przyłączyć? czy ktoś zna odpowiedź?