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Pozdrawiam wszystkich z okazji Dnia Dziecka !!!!
Archiwum / Odp: Newsletter
15 Marzec 2009, 17:59
Może czas na Prime Grid Wyścig 2009 r

przedstawiam propozycje ze strony Prime Grid, może niepoukładane ale uczę się

PrimeGrid's Challenge Series

The PrimeGrid Challenge Series is an annual competition based on the results of monthly/bi-monthly challenges.  The purpose of the Challenge is to spotlight a specific project within PrimeGrid's family of projects as well as to offer a little "healthy" competition for PrimeGrid's participants.  It is also an opportunity for people to learn more about each specific project and have fun doing it.  Below is a tentative schedule for 2009.

2008 Final Standings

2009 Challenge Series
   Date    Project    Challenge    Duration    Results
1   26-31 January    321 LLR    The Year of the Ox    5 days    Teams | Participants
2   15 March    PPS LLR    The Ides Of March    24 hours    Teams | Participants
3   30 April - 01 May    PSP Sieve    Showers to Flowers    48 hours    Teams | Participants
4   12-21 June    Cullen or PSP LLR    PrimeGrid's Birthday/Summer Solstice    9 days    Teams | Participants
5   21 July    AP26    Full Moon    24 hours    Teams | Participants
6   18-23 August    Woodall LLR    Dog Days of Summer    5 days    Teams | Participants
7   2-3 October    PPS LLR    Harvest Festival    48 hours    Teams | Participants
8   13 November    PSP Sieve    Giving Thanks    24 hours    Teams | Participants
9   18-21 December    AP 26    Winter Solstice    3 days    Teams | Participants
   * TBD = To Be Determined

Current Overall Standings
   Teams | Participants
SHA-1 Collision Search

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