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Pokaż wątki - Saenger

Przepraszamy za adres w języku angielskim, ale wydaje się, że nikt tak naprawdę nie czyta również podforum w języku angielskim, stąd tutaj w tej części.

As obviously nobody cares about posts in the project forum, or even here in the English sub-section, I'll post it here as well. Nobody of the project admins seems to care about the project any longer, there are no answers to questions about bugs, there is, to be frank, no interaction by any admin at all. Is there any admin left? Or ist the project simply completely dead, just like for example QNC? If so, I won't bother you any longer with questions, I will just run my detector for fun, and that's it, as well as with QNC. But please be truthful about it. It seems to be not a living project any longer.
Radioactive@home / Project is down
08 Lipiec 2021, 06:16
I'll start a new thread without a date  ;)

I again can't get any connection to the project, neither the BONC- nor the Web-sites. :(
Give the machines a whip, please :whip:
In the details page for my sensor in the map at the bottom is missing, so I can't set a location. So I only get half of the credits, and nobody will know where the spike in radioactive fallout is, that I will detect.
I've asked this already over there, but got no answer. I as well provides the coordinates for my sensor there in various coordinate systems, so if someone can manually edit to my host, it would as well be fine. But better to repair the map.
Radioactive@home / Project is down since 2020-09-27
04 Październik 2020, 18:24
What has happened? As the whole page is down, I can't even ask there in the fora, as they are not available as well.
My detector is sill running, but can't deliver any data home :(
Radioactive@home / DNS Problems
05 Styczeń 2018, 10:05
Since some time before Christmas last year you somehow lost the DNS-connection between radioactiveathome.org and your static IP

This can be solved by users with inserting

Just removed the now wrong IP, so that nobody will use it. I used it and lost connection about it with some server change in the past. Saenger, 02.07.21

in their host file (in /etc for penguins, somewhere else for windows), but that can only be a temporary solution.
You obviously discuss something in your polish thread, but that illegible for me (and probably most other users).

Can you give some update about the situation on the sites, most users still are able to reach in a language most users can understand? I'd suggest:
And the following teams (the big five including this one):
SETI.Germany (english answer no problem)
Czech National Team
Alliance Francophone
Planet 3DNow!
Since over two weeks the validator ain't doing no work at all  >:(, Quite considerably amounts of WU are waiting to be credited :dunno:. Can someone in the vicinity of the server please give it a solid kick to its electronic gonads  :attack: ?

Grüße vom Sänger!  :arrr:
Dear members of BOINC@Poland ,

the 16th of November 2012 marks the 8th birthday of World Community Grid.

This day takes SETI.Germany as an opportunity to support the project for 7 days with full power and therefore calls for the 8th Birthday Challenge.

We cordially welcome you and your team to join the challenge.
More information and statistics regarding the challenge can be found here.

We hope that many members participate in this challenge and would be very happy to see yours teams registration.

Enigma@home / Enigma is not reachable
25 Maj 2012, 00:03
http://www.enigmaathome.net/ is no longer available, I've been made aware about it here @BOINCstats. :fright:
What went wrong?
Welcome / Dzien dobry from Saenger
24 Maj 2012, 16:16
Hi there,

Just wanted to say HI! :ahoy: