
Nowy polski projekt BOINC - Universe@Home

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Nie mogę uruchomić BOINC Managera, gdy uruchamiam plik boincmgr wyskakuje okienko z napisem:
Cytatentry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Status'

13:26:51: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 82: key 'Width' was first found at line 79.
13:26:51: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Projekty/Uczestnik'
13:26:51: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 88: key 'Width' was first found at line 85.
13:26:51: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Projekty/Avg. work done'
13:26:51: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 101: key 'Width' was first found at line 98.
13:26:51: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Czas CPU'
13:26:51: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 103: key 'Width' was first found at line 98.
13:26:51: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Czas CPU'
13:26:51: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 110: key 'Width' was first found at line 106.
13:26:51: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Status'
13:26:51: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 112: key 'Width' was first found at line 106.
13:26:51: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Status'
13:26:51: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 114: key 'Width' was first found at line 106.
13:26:51: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Status'
13:26:51: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 116: key 'Width' was first found at line 106.
13:26:51: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Status'
13:26:51: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 118: key 'Width' was first found at line 106.
13:26:51: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Status'
13:26:51: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 120: key 'Width' was first found at line 106.
13:26:51: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Status'
13:26:51: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 122: key 'Width' was first found at line 106.
13:26:51: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Status'
13:54:54: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 86: key 'Width' was first found at line 83.
13:54:54: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Projekty/Uczestnik'
13:54:54: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 92: key 'Width' was first found at line 89.
13:54:54: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Projekty/Avg. work done'
13:54:54: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 105: key 'Width' was first found at line 102.
13:54:54: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Czas CPU'
13:54:54: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 107: key 'Width' was first found at line 102.
13:54:54: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Czas CPU'
13:54:54: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 114: key 'Width' was first found at line 110.
13:54:54: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Status'
13:54:54: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 116: key 'Width' was first found at line 110.
13:54:54: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Status'
13:54:54: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 118: key 'Width' was first found at line 110.
13:54:54: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Status'
13:54:54: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 120: key 'Width' was first found at line 110.
13:54:54: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Status'
13:54:54: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 122: key 'Width' was first found at line 110.
13:54:54: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Status'
13:54:54: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 124: key 'Width' was first found at line 110.
13:54:54: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Status'
13:54:54: file '/home/marcin/.BOINC Manager', line 126: key 'Width' was first found at line 110.
13:54:54: entry 'Width' appears more than once in group '/Zadania/Status'

BOINC Manager uruchamia się dopiero po około 3 minutach, po uruchomieniu probuje on połączyć się localhost, ale bez skutku.
Gdy chcę dołączyć się do jakiegoś projektu (Attach to project) komunikat:
CytatBOINC Manager is not currently connected to a BOINC client.
Please use the 'File\Select Computer..' menu option to cennect up to a BOINC client.
To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name.
Nie wiem czy to ma znaczenie, ale plik instalacyjny to boinc_5.4.11_i686-pc-linux-gnu.sh, a ja mam system 64 bitowy.
Dziwi mnie to, że wcześniej wszystko działało, a teraz mam problem z uruchomieniem.
Nie mam pojęcia co robić. Pomóżcie!
Po ściągnięciu jednostki BOINC Menager nie liczy jej, w polu status wyświetla informację "aktywność wstrzymana". na zakładce "Komunikaty" ostatni komunikat to "Suspending network activity - user is active". Proszę o pomoc!
Jak mogę pobrać kilka jednostek "na zapas" w LHC@home. Ostanio udostępnili serię jednostek, ale przeliczyłem tylko 3 i już się skończyły i muszę czekać na następne.