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Forum GRA - Kto ostatni napisze tu posta wygra!!! (2. edycja)

Zaczęty przez AL, 26 Grudzień 2007, 14:12

Dlaczego lubisz BOINC@Poland?

Arrr do stu butelek zjęłczałego rumu - bo lubię gadać jak pirat
11 (34.4%)
Bo Pigu jest moim Burmistrzem
4 (12.5%)
"Ojciec Założyciel" jest tylko jeden!
7 (21.9%)
Bo lubię sobie trochę PoTrollować ;-)
10 (31.3%)
BOINC@Poland? A cio to?
9 (28.1%)
Bo Bober i Kempler są moimi wikimasterami.
6 (18.8%)
Bo Cyfron mi na lekcjach kazał.
5 (15.6%)
Mam inne powody o których napiszę w tym wątku.
6 (18.8%)

Głosów w sumie: 32





pod ciężarem naszych postów i Pigulec ulec musi





[quote author=[B@P] MSW link=topic=1426.msg100059#msg100059 date=1270983196]
Ostra amunicja ? :fright:



Toż to wojna! Czyżbu czas na uderzenie wyprzedzające?  ;)




Co najwyżej możecie kłucic się o drugie miejsce!  :)



Tu już Tobie kolor nawet nie pomoże. Specjalnie z tej okazji potrójne uderzenie  :attack: :attack: :attack:


wam już nic nie pomoże  XD

masowe uderzenie
:attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack::attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack::attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack::attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack: :attack:


masowe obrażenia
:deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman::deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman::deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman::deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman::deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman::deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman: :deadman:Zostało jescze 99999999999999999 żyć
:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:Jak widzisz nie masz szans



Hulk w różowym wstydziłby się chodzić  :)






Właśnie zmieniłem sobie BOINC Menagera z 6.10.17 na 6.14.44  XP


a gdzieś ty taką dorwał :D ??

6.10.45 Development version





Istnieje gdzieś w necie lista jak ta:
<project_name>AlmereGrid Boinc Grid</project_name>



2010-04-11 14:48:51 bioinfo URL; Computer ID not assigned yet; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 DNETC@HOME URL; Computer ID 9; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 WUProp@Home URL; Computer ID 873; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 ABC@home URL http://abcathome.com/; Computer ID 16028; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 abcbeta URL http://abctest.math.leidenuniv.nl/abcbeta/; Computer ID 43; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 AQUA@home URL http://aqua.dwavesys.com/; Computer ID 123; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 RND@home URL http://arcoboinc.unex.es/rnd/; Computer ID 1732; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 wanless2 URL http://bearnol.is-a-geek.com/wanless2/; Computer ID 12502; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 proteins@home URL http://biology.polytechnique.fr/proteinsathome/; Computer ID 30041; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 AlmereGrid Boinc Grid URL http://boinc.almeregrid.nl/; Computer ID 235; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 rosetta@home URL http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/; Computer ID 179997; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 boincsimap URL http://boinc.bio.wzw.tum.de/boincsimap/; Computer ID 14326; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 malaria URL http://boinc.cs.uct.ac.za/malaria/; Computer ID 285; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 DrugDiscovery URL http://boinc.drugdiscoveryathome.com/; Computer ID 514; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 DistrRTgen URL http://boinc.freerainbowtables.com/distrrtgen/; Computer ID 733; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Poem@Home URL http://boinc.fzk.de/poem/; Computer ID 2549; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Leiden Classical URL http://boinc.gorlaeus.net/; Computer ID 23762; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 SHA-1 Collision Search Graz URL http://boinc.iaik.tugraz.at/sha1_coll_search/; Computer ID 11618; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 picevolvr URL http://boinc.picevolvr.com/; Computer ID 52; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 picevolvr URL http://boinc.picevolvr.com/picevolvr/; Computer ID 372; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Collatz Conjecture URL http://boinc.thesonntags.com/collatz/; Computer ID 207; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 The Lattice Project URL http://boinc.umiacs.umd.edu/; Computer ID 5220; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 RSA Lattice Sieving URL http://boinc.unsads.com/rsals/; Computer ID 1200; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 BCL@Home URL http://boinc.vanderbilt.edu/CSB/; Computer ID 144; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 vtu@home URL http://boinc.vgtu.lt/vtuathome/; Computer ID 2498; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 BURP URL http://burp.renderfarming.net/; Computer ID 43157; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 QuantumFIRE alpha URL http://cah.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/; Computer ID 65; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 anansi URL http://canis.csc.ncsu.edu:8005/anansi/; Computer ID 206; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 superlinkattechnion URL http://cbl-boinc-server2.cs.technion.ac.il/superlinkattechnion/; Computer ID 4174; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Cels@Home Second Test Project URL http://cels-at-home-dev.dyndns.org/test2/; Computer ID 158; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Harvard Clean Energy Project URL http://cleanenergy.harvard.edu/go/; Computer ID 880; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 climateprediction.net URL http://climateprediction.net/; Computer ID 403383; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 CPDN Beta URL http://cpdnbeta.oerc.ox.ac.uk/; Computer ID 270; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 test1 URL http://dawn.ynet.sk/test1/; Computer ID 332; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 DistributedDataMining URL http://ddm.nicoschlitter.de/DistributedDataMining/; Computer ID 328; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Rectilinear Crossing Number URL http://dist.ist.tugraz.at/cape5/; Computer ID 7472; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Docking URL http://docking.cis.udel.edu/; Computer ID 7975; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 DynaPing URL http://dynaping.com/; Computer ID 925; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Edges DSP Production URL http://edges-ext-dg.ceta-ciemat.es/DSP/; Computer ID 62; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Red Tecnologica Educativa DG URL http://edges-ext-dg.ceta-ciemat.es/rtedg/; Computer ID not assigned yet; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 3g Bridge Project URL http://edges-local-devbnc-srv.ceta-ciemat.es/3gbp/; Computer ID 5; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Einstein@Home URL http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/; Computer ID 563051; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 EON2v1@clusters URL http://eon.raunvis.hi.is/EON2v1/; Computer ID not assigned yet; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 NFS@Home URL http://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/; Computer ID 1164; resource share 1000
2010-04-11 14:48:51 DECS URL http://evil.podzone.org/decs/; Computer ID 142; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 FreeHAL@home URL http://freehal.net/freehal_at_home/; Computer ID 146; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 geneticlife@home URL http://genlife.is-a-geek.org/genlife/; Computer ID 112; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 gerasim@home URL http://gerasim.boinc.ru/gerasim/; Computer ID 6260; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Goldbach's Conjecture Project URL http://goldbach.pl/; Computer ID 25; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 EDGeS@Home URL http://home.edges-grid.eu/home/; Computer ID 444; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Hydrogen@Home URL http://hydrogenathome.org/; Computer ID 1559; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 vgtu@home URL http://inga.vtu.lt/boincproject/; Computer ID not assigned yet; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 BOINC alpha test URL http://isaac.ssl.berkeley.edu/alpha/; Computer ID 2887; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Magnetism at home URL http://kinetic.dnsalias.org/magnetism/; Computer ID 82; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 lhcathome URL http://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/; Computer ID 122337; resource share 10000
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Milkyway@home URL http://milkyway.cs.rpi.edu/milkyway/; Computer ID 2434; resource share 1000
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Milkyway@Home_for_GPU URL http://milkyway.cs.rpi.edu/milkyway_gpu/; Computer ID not assigned yet; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 MindModeling@Beta URL http://MindModeling.org/beta/; Computer ID 1399; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 NQueens@Home Project URL http://nqueens.ing.udec.cl/; Computer ID 1839; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 orbit@home URL http://orbit.psi.edu/oah/; Computer ID 3774; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Pirates@Home URL http://pirates.spy-hill.net/; Computer ID 42274; resource share 1000
2010-04-11 14:48:51 QMC@HOME URL http://qah.uni-muenster.de/; Computer ID 3072; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Quake-Catcher Network URL http://qcn.stanford.edu/sensor/; Computer ID 5157; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 ibercivis URL http://registro.ibercivis.es/; Computer ID 9; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Satisfaction @ Home URL http://sat.math.umu.se/sat/; Computer ID not assigned yet; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 AlmereGrid TestGrid - Boinc URL http://server1.almeregrid.nl/testgrid/; Computer ID 59; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 SETI@home URL http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/; Computer ID 2238642; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 SETI@home Beta Test URL http://setiweb.ssl.berkeley.edu/beta/; Computer ID 37805; resource share 1000
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Spinhenge@home URL http://spin.fh-bielefeld.de/; Computer ID 17349; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Silly Pi Calculation URL http://stuff.povaddict.com.ar:8080/boinctest/; Computer ID 49; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 SZTAKI Desktop Grid URL http://szdg.lpds.sztaki.hu/szdg/; Computer ID 14907; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 UH Second Computing URL http://vcsc.cs.uh.edu/second-computing/; Computer ID 260; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Virtual Prairie URL http://vcsc.cs.uh.edu/virtual-prairie/; Computer ID 302; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 APS@Home URL http://www.apsathome.org/; Computer ID 6405; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 chess960@home alpha URL http://www.chess960athome.org/alpha/; Computer ID 64014; resource share 50
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Cosmology@Home URL http://www.cosmologyathome.org/; Computer ID 9010; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Enigma@Home URL http://www.enigmaathome.net/; Computer ID 3147; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 GPUGRID URL http://www.gpugrid.net/; Computer ID 18856; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 malariacontrol.net URL http://www.malariacontrol.net/; Computer ID 64375; resource share 1000
2010-04-11 14:48:51 PrimeGrid URL http://www.primegrid.com/; Computer ID 18049; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 ramsey URL http://www.ramseyathome.com/ramsey/; Computer ID 8886; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 yoyo@home URL http://www.rechenkraft.net/yoyo/; Computer ID 3356; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 Open Rendering Environment URL http://www.renderfarm.fi/; Computer ID 901; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 RNA World URL http://www.rnaworld.de/rnaworld/; Computer ID 449; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 uFluids URL http://www.ufluids.net/; Computer ID 8160; resource share 100
2010-04-11 14:48:51 World Community Grid URL http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/; Computer ID 25855; resource share 10000



Trollu nie chodzi mi o listę z klienta (projektów podłączonych do mojego kompa), a listę wszystkich, aktualizowaną na bieżąco jak tylko coś nowego się pojawi i w strawnym formacie ;).

Małe statsy dla B@P próbuję sklecić i mi taka lista by się przydała... Na razie sam zrobiłem na podstawie BAM!


jak skończysz, to zapraszam na pigowy hosting statów teamu  :parrrty:


Widze że BAM dla nie których to już za mało.


Moja list to chyba aktualna kompletna lista :D bo liczę we wszystkich projektach (z wyjątkiem BRaTS gdzie trza invite code)


[quote author=[B@P] MSW link=topic=1426.msg100101#msg100101 date=1271010164]
Widze że BAM dla nie których to już za mało.
bam nam nie poprowadzi welu naszych wewnętrznych rywalizacji  %)


po za tym sposób przedstawienia niektórych danych przez BAM! jest nie do zaakceptowania
po za tym niektórzy chcą się czegoś nowego nauczyć, a najłatwiej się nauczyć robiąc coś praktycznie... mam dane które łatwo przetworzyć i zweryfikować i jadę ;)


Przecież wam nie zabraniam. Chcecie to róbcie, jednak lepiej jest chyba rozwijać BAM ( jeśli wogóle to się rozwija) niż pisać od nowa taką samą funkcjonalność. Chyba że
coś innego planujesz, coś czego BAM rzechywiście niema.


zajrzyj na www.pigu.pl i zobaczysz czego bam nie ma, do tego dojdą statystyki teamowych wyścigów, projektu miesiąca i inne