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UCT : malariacontrol.net

Zaczęty przez Ivul Divul, 23 Kwiecień 2008, 00:31

Ivul Divul

Pojawiło się coś co wygląda na projekt testowy dla MalariaControl


Aktualnie tworzenie nowych kont jest zablokowane.


Tak, to projekt testowy dla malarii. Tylko nie bardzo kojarze po co...

Kury Nas pogryzą, Raptory zeżrą....


Cytatto test the correct operation of our server for future BOINC-based projects

Może szykują jakąś rozbudowę...


W nagłych wypadkach wzywać przez: mail: mchlpl[at]gmail.com | PM|mchl[a]boincatpoland.org

Ivul Divul

Za http://malariacontrol.net/forum_thread.php?id=676
Message 6036 - Posted 17 Apr 2008 8:50:50 UTC
malariacontrol.net started more than two years ago as a small BOINC project. The main science application has started to provide us with usable data not long after this, but we decided to keep our beta testing status until now.

By now the main science application – malariacontrol - has matured and is at least as stable as applications on other projects. We have introduced a way to test new application versions on all supported platforms with the help of those among you who agree to receive test workunits. The optimizer application (Windows only) still has a few issues, but you as a user can opt out of running this application by changing your project preferences.

In addition, we have had time to gain experience with the BOINC server side software, and with some recent optimizations of our project specific server applications and backup procedures, we are comfortable with the reliability of our project server.

We therefore would like to end the phase of beta testing and officially become a stable BOINC project. We would be interested how you think about this, and welcome your comments in this discussion thread.

MalariaControl przechodzi w fazę produkcyjną.


Cytat....As for the work being done here - it is testing, however, we are going to be doing validation for the real project in Switzerland.  ...


Kury Nas pogryzą, Raptory zeżrą....



Ja też, ja też !!!  ;D




ja również założyłem ;D

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