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[Pomysł] PerfectNumber@Home - szukanie liczb doskonałych [pomysł nr.2]

Zaczęty przez goofyx, 29 Październik 2010, 23:22



mówisz i masz



sorry to jump in and change the language to english. Google translate translated this thread for me ;)

I read, that you are writing your own application, means you have the source code for it. In this case it is very simple to make a real Boinc application without using the wrapper. It is well described here http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/BasicApi and you have to add roughly 10 lines of code:
- a boinc_init() and boinc_finish()
- for each result input-/output file a boinc_resolve_filename()
- something for checkpoints, if your app writes some
- and for reporting progress a boinc_fraction_done()

I think thats all what must be added. Of course you must compile the Boinc api before.

member of Rechenkraft.net


Thanks yoyo, we shall see into that :D

Tomasz R. Gwiazda

przez brak app na win musialem sobie postawic Linuxa zeby nie tracic dystansu :)

jak juz bedzie app pod win, to proponuje na kilka dni zblokowac sciaganie wu dla innych nacji to sie okopiemy na 1 miejscu w statsach :D
i druzynowo i indywidualnie :P
