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Call for wwwwcl beta testers (OpenCL)

Zaczęty przez mimeq, 01 Maj 2012, 21:18


Mozecie pomoc potestowac aplikacje jesli macie ATI GPU:


u mnie wyszlo tak:


wwwwcl v2.0
Sieve started: 133456800000000000 <= p < 133456900000000000
  p=133456879950227677, 11.39M p/sec, 1.03 CPU cores, 80.0% done. ETA 01 May 21:11
Sieve complete: 133456800000000001 <= p < 133456900000000000  2535955284 primes tested
Elapsed time: 283.68 sec. (55.58 init + 227.99 sieve) at 8939350 p/sec.
Processor time: 273.98 sec. (43.01 init + 230.98 sieve).
Seconds spent in CPU and GPU: 970.07 (cpu), 98.38 (gpu)
Percent of time spent in CPU vs. GPU: 0.91 (cpu), 0.09 (gpu)
CPU/GPU utilization: 0.21 (cores), 0.02 (devices)

Mobilny Radek w lapku (5470)

wwwwcl v2.0
Sieve started: 133456800000000000 <= p < 133456900000000000
p=133456899383557213, 936.7K p/sec, 0.20 CPU cores, 99.4% done. ETA 01 May 22:33
Sieve complete: 133456800000000001 <= p < 133456900000000000 2535955284 primes tested
Elapsed time: 2709.43 sec. (8.74 init + 2700.19 sieve) at 935975 p/sec.
Processor time: 560.51 sec. (14.35 init + 546.16 sieve).
Seconds spent in CPU and GPU: 2728.36 (cpu), 12439.80 (gpu)
Percent of time spent in CPU vs. GPU: 0.18 (cpu), 0.82 (gpu)
CPU/GPU utilization: 0.20 (cores), 0.91 (devices)


wwwwcl v2.0
Sieve started: 133456800000000000 <= p < 133456900000000000
  p=133456847243740217, 19.66M p/sec, 1.05 CPU cores, 47.2% done. ETA 01 May 21:
  p=133456894588431563, 19.68M p/sec, 1.04 CPU cores, 94.6% done. ETA 01 May 21:
Sieve complete: 133456800000000001 <= p < 133456900000000000  2535955284 primes
Elapsed time: 130.21 sec. (1.34 init + 128.79 sieve) at 19476269 p/sec.
Processor time: 136.80 sec. (1.98 init + 134.82 sieve).
Seconds spent in CPU and GPU: 524.04 (cpu), 70.41 (gpu)
Percent of time spent in CPU vs. GPU: 0.88 (cpu), 0.12 (gpu)
CPU/GPU utilization: 0.20 (cores), 0.03 (devices)


CytatI've updated the source (and Mac build) to include the changes provided by sesef. No other changes were made. I'll let rebirther build the Win32 and Win64 exes as I still can get them to build and run correctly.

Make sure that you test ranges with known special instances.

Also, please test some WallSunSun ranges (-TWallSunSun). They are a little slower, but the software can verify that the code on the GPU was executed correctly whereas it can't do that for Wieferich.

I hope to test the PRPNet changes this weekend so that we can start using wwwwcl in production next week.