Who are we?

Zaczęty przez Bober, 05 Luty 2007, 02:21


BOINC@Poland is a multiproject team, so our members can participate in all projects within one team.

Our goal is to create distributed computing community, which will spread the idea of DC across Poland. We want to gather as much crunchers as we will manage.

We also dream about Polish BOINC Project, so we have established the "Polski Projekt BOINC" organisation, which struggles to encourage Polish scientists to make use of BOINC platform. There was once Polish project called NagrzewanieStali@home, but it was part of someone's master thesis about BOINC, so not serious project, it was active only for week or so.

Our successes:

We became the top Polish team overall and in most projects. Our webpage contains loads of useful materials, hot news from the BOINC world and the biggest BOINC-related forum in Poland (unfortunately mostly in Polish).

On 11.03.2007 this team and Poland BOINC Team decided to create Polish national team and merged. New team inherited the name BOINC@Poland. Only after 4 days another Polish team decided to join us -  team Poland in project Einstein@home.

BOINC@Poalnd is currently ranked 46 in the world among teams.

Mchl is our Founding Father.


Zakładam, że ten post jak i kolejne będą tymczasowe.

Niniejszym rozpoczynam debatę pt. "Jak wam się podoba opis z powyższego posta?"

Jak dojdziemy do jakiejś wersji ostatecznej tegoż opisu to albo wyczyści się ten temat (albo przeniesie dyskusję gdzie indziej...).


Śmiem twierdzić że angielskojęzyczna część forum już od dawna nie miała update :D