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Wiadomości - SETI-Netherlands

Cytat: Agent_Halstein w 27 Wrzesień 2009, 23:45
Something not Got it. As on Friday I checked the points where it had more than 400 points. Today I look and what I see? I am now 0 (zero) points. What is? Why odjęli them to me?
At Friday you could see the credits you gained at thursday the 24th.
The Gauntlet started the 25th. The credits you gained on the 25th could be seen in the stats that were published on saterday the 26th.
That you did not get any credits in the past 2 days is also true at Boincstats, so I think that the Gauntlet-stats are correct.

Bruno collects the stats in a different way, he does not see that you earned any credits either.
This still is "The English Zone"?   :-\
Almost starting now :)

When we've started the daily stats will be here.
And offcourse you're welcome to join us on our International forum during the race to taunt the competition or just for some small talk.
No need to register.  During the Gauntlet guest posting is allowed on this forum.

Have fun and enjoy the Gauntlet!
Time for joining has expired tonight.
Bober, would you please check if everyone is added?

You know, you can find your team over here:
Swistak1986 will be removed by the end of this day, if he is still not crunching for BOINC@Poland.  :parrrty:
Es resten jetzt noch etwa 15 Stunden zum Einschreiben.
Only 15 hours left, to join the Gauntlet.
Cytat: 3Rni w 13 Wrzesień 2009, 22:12
chyba jeszcze mozna sie zapisac?  ::)

nick= 3Rni
userid= 6894
You are in.
Dus bist ins Team.  ;)
Cytat: Bober w 10 Wrzesień 2009, 11:42
Maybe he forgot to join team - we'll give him a couple of days - if nothing changes - delete him.
Check his tasks:
He only just started, and I think he is having troubles.
Maybe you can help him.
Cytat: Bober w 10 Wrzesień 2009, 11:42
And You probably have missed Piotr Zalewski (348755) - I can't see him in Your stats.
Thanks, you are right, I missed him.   :book: Now he is added.
As far as I can see, swistak1986 is not cruncher for BOINC@Poland and so he is not a member BOINC@Poland.
Are you willing to let him in to your Gauntlet Team?
Or should he first start crunching for your team?  ;)

By the way, only nine days left to complete your team and make it the winning team of this Gauntlet.  XD
Cytat: SETI-Netherlands w 28 Sierpień 2009, 22:52
Cytat: Bober w 28 Sierpień 2009, 15:42

It's our team's crunching unit - is it ok to sign it up? We did not even decided whether it will take part in event, but anyway we would like to sign it in.
I'll ask the Big Boss.  ;D
He is away for the weekend, so I will let you know soon.

The Big Boss has spoken:
SKB@P is allowed in the contest.

Cytat: Bober w 28 Sierpień 2009, 15:42

It's our team's crunching unit - is it ok to sign it up? We did not even decided whether it will take part in event, but anyway we would like to sign it in.
I'll ask the Big Boss.  ;D
He is away for the weekend, so I will let you know soon.
Cytat: Bober w 27 Sierpień 2009, 23:45


Alle neue Teilnehmer sind hinzugefügt.
Aber woher kommt die Anmeldung von SKB@P ?
Du kannst nicht jemand anderes anmelden.
Jedermann soll sich selber anmelden.

S@NL XP-Freak
Finally, your forum is back.  :respect: What happened?
The first names have already been entered.
Die erste Teilnehmer sind schon eingeführt.

S@NL XP_Freak
SETI@Netherlands is having it's 10th Anniversary on Friday September 25th 2009.

In honour of our 10 year existence we organise an international crunch competition, a Gauntlet. We've called this Gauntlet

"The SETI@Netherlands 10th Anniversary Gauntlet 2009".

BOINC@Poland is invited to create a Gauntlet-team, and participate in this race, as we did in 2007.

More info can be found on our Gauntlet info and the FAQ & Rules pages.

How to create a Gauntlet Team:

If you want to create a team you can sign up a team by replying in our International Forum. During this Gauntlet guest posting in this forum is allowed.
This is the preferred way of creating a team. You'll have to state your own SETI@home account number and your preferred team name. You must also mention the name of your normal SETI@home team.

How to join a Gauntlet Team:
If you want to join a team, just post this in the Gauntlet thread on the forum of your own team or in a thread on our International forum. Don't forget to state your account number, user name and teamname.

We hope to meet many of you in this race.

S@NL XP_Freak


Edit by Mchl: Fix smileys.