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Primes found

Zaczęty przez mimeq, 20 Styczeń 2011, 15:00


Jezeli nie mialem ustawionego powiadomienia emailowego tzn tego tutaj:

Permission is given to PrimeGrid to report primes under my name yes
Report primes as (name and last name)
One of the requirements for the Prime Pages to accept the prime is to give your real name and last name .................
Send an email when automated report has been executed yes

a obecnie w statystykach subprojektu pokazuje mi takie cos:

Completed tasks 2509
Credit 11,941.90
Primes found 1
Percentage of tests resulting with a prime 0.0399

to cos musze zrobic dodatkowo ? bo po po kliknieciu w "1" mam juz od kilku dni :

Prime number list for participant "[Boinc@Poland]mimeq"
This participant haven't found any prime numbers... yet


Czekać nawet cały tydzień !!!

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