Help Conquer Cancer - dwie wiadomości

Zaczęty przez lukaszja, 30 Październik 2011, 19:19


Za forum WCG HCC uprzejmie donoszę:
1. Jednostek w podprojekcie HCC zostało na (szacunkowo) 56 dni. Łowcy odznak - do boju :attack:

2. W styczniu 2012r. miałyby ruszyć próbki (testy?) HCC ver. 2 na GPU!,31830_offset,0



Jak dla mnie bomba - niezależnie od punktacji pojadę z koksem rakiem.



No wlasnie od jakiegos czasu ostro tam walcze (najmniejsza ilosc prognozowanych WU):

Help Conquer Cancer
Total Run Time (y:d:h:m:s)

juz prawie prawie  :whip:


No i moje GPU dostanie duuuuużo pracy :)

Fajne zegarki :)
Należę do drużyny BOINC@Poland
 Moja wizytówka


No to jazda, testować  :whip:

CytatWe will be starting a beta test for Help Conquer Cancer with versions of the application that can run on NVIDIA and ATI GPU's. We are expecting that this test will be conduct for a longer than usual length of time because GPU is a new environment for us and we expect to face some new challenges while we gain experience working with this technology.

The research application for the project was enhanced by the researchers. Their work is described in a paper published in the Journal of Physics as described here: They implemented the changes in their application OpenCL.

At this time, the requirements to run the GPU version of the research application are as follows:

1) Has sufficient performance as determined by a small benchmark run at the start of a workunit. If the GPU fails the test, the application will exit and be reported as an error. You can check for this condition in the log file that is returned to the server by going to the Result Status page ( and clicking on the link under 'Status' for the appropriate result.

2) It also must support the OpenCl extension cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics. This is also checked at the beginning of the workunit and, if it fails, will be reported as an error and recorded in the log file.

Based on our testing in development, we have identified some graphics cards that will not be able to run this application version. These will not be sent the application version. However, we know that there are going to be a lot more that we need to filter out. We will be doing this during iterations of the beta testing.

Due to the nature of this effort, we will be conducting many rounds of beta testing in small sets. This will allow us to identify issues and make changes and retest.

At this time, we will be testing all of the versions for Help Conquer Cancer for purposes of examining the credit policies between the different application versions and we will be testing ATI Windows and NVIDIA Windows application versions for the purpose of determining its ability to run properly.

If you want to participate in this beta test you need to sign up to participate in beta testing here: and you need to check the box next to 'If my computer can process work on my graphics card, then please send me work to run on my graphics card for the projects that I have selected above' on this page: If you have done both of these, then if there is currently work available for the beta test, then you will receive it.

Thank you for your support!,32803



Nie zapomnijcie włączyć sobie "Participate in Beta Testing" tu:
oraz "If my computer can process work on my graphics card, then please send me work to run on my graphics card for the projects that I have selected above."
bo się nie doczekacie ;)


Zassal ktos jakies WU ?

Oba powyzsze zaznaczone i dodatkowo nie zasysa nic nawet na CPU (C4CW mimo ze na lapku bez problemow)

2012-03-13 21:43:01 | World Community Grid | Requesting new tasks for ATI
2012-03-13 21:43:04 | World Community Grid | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
2012-03-13 21:43:04 | World Community Grid | No tasks sent
2012-03-13 21:43:04 | World Community Grid | No tasks are available for Computing for Clean Water
2012-03-13 21:43:04 | World Community Grid | No tasks are available for Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy - Phase 2
2012-03-13 21:43:04 | World Community Grid | No tasks are available for Help Conquer Cancer
2012-03-13 21:43:04 | World Community Grid | No tasks are available for Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2
2012-03-13 21:43:04 | World Community Grid | No tasks are available for Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2 (Type A)

BM 7.0.17 moze stanowic problem ?


Ja zassałem na 6-tej wersji i wywaliło z błędem. (ATI)


Do mnie narazie też nic nie poszło. Ale trzeba być cierpliwym. Najważniejsze że już betatesty robią :parrrty:



U mnie też, a dodatkowo według wuprop - ta aplikacja jeszcze nie istnieje.


WUprop pewnie bedzie mialo jak zwykle kilka dni opoznienia az pojawia sie pierwsze wyniki...


Dziala na BOINC 7.0.20 - karta ATI

BETA_ X0000132760649201202241110_ 1--   644    Valid   12-03-16 05:07:39   12-03-16 05:19:02   0.08   32.5 / 32.5
BETA_ X0000132760649201202241110_ 0--   644    Valid   12-03-16 05:07:29   12-03-16 05:31:51   0.06   32.5 / 32.5

oraz wlasnie licze na BOINC 6.12.34, poki co idzie..

BETA_ X0000132760002201202241118_ 1--   -    In Progress   12-03-16 05:15:39   12-03-20 05:15:39   0.00   0.0 / 0.0
BETA_ X0000132760002201202241118_ 0--   -    In Progress   12-03-16 05:15:37   12-03-20 05:15:37   0.00   0.0 / 0.0


A na starszych wersjach nie ruszy? Bo akurat tej wersji 7 unikam jak ognia.


Ruszy - poszly i zwalidowaly sie na 6.12.34.

Co ciekawe poszly rowniez na kompie bez grafy.
W dodatku na Debianie (wersja BOINC 6.10.58):

BETA_ X0000132760144201202241116_ 1--   644    Valid   12-03-16 05:33:07   12-03-16 08:38:31   1.53   38.6 / 37.4
BETA_ X0000132760144201202241116_ 0--   644    Valid   12-03-16 05:33:02   12-03-16 12:18:24   1.10   36.2 / 37.4


Mam i ja  ;D

Win7 x64 ATI 5970, wykorzystanie GPU na poziomie 80-90% z opisem BM 0,34CPU + 1 ATI GPU. Czas calkowity WU okolo 3min (GPU 725/500).
Zadania dosyc mocno obciazaja przynajmniej u mnie CPU na samym poczatku i koncu zadania - przy starcie i 99,415% (obciazenie GPU w tym momencie 0%).
Zostawilem 2 rdzeniom 1 CPU.

[smg id=9478 type=preview align=center caption="BETA WCG GPU"]


U mnie zassało.... tyle, że BETA_ BETADSFL czyli Beta - Drug Search for Leishmaniasis  |-?


no w sumie tez bym lyknal ale nie che dac BETY na CPU, a odznaka by sie przydala  %) chyba za duzo mam WU z HMCD2  :P


Ciekawe.. A może trzeba mieć podwójną precyzje żeby coś zaciągło


Zeby sie sciagnelo WU raczej nie, ciekawe jak z liczeniem. Na ATI 5470 Mobility sciagnely mi sie 3 WU ale niestety wszystkie zakonczyly sie bledem.