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Welcome to a week of Wieferich and Wall-Sun-Sun

Zaczęty przez mimeq, 01 Styczeń 2012, 21:17


Ktos wie z czym to sie "je"? Jak to odpalic ?


Cytat1. Download the client for your OS and then extract. You can download the archives here: http://uwin.mine.nu/PRPNet/

sciagnalem przedostania pozycje (prpclient-5.0.2-windows.7z)

Cytat2. Run the "#-install-prpclient.bat" ("#-install-prpclient.sh" for Linux) file to build the required folders.

odpalilem "1-single-install-prpclient" - zeby sprobowac na 1-core

Cytat3. Open the master_prpclient.ini and modify the following settings:

userid=PG_username (Make sure it's unique. If you don't have a unique PG username, add your PG userID to it. For example, for me, John would become John_2449)
clientid=clientID (can be anything you want...does NOT have to be PG clientID)
teamid=teamname (see here Wieferich / Wall-Sun-Sun for teams already participating)
OS (64bit ONLY), and how many cores you wish to run.

tu wiadomo wyedytowalem email, nick, nazwe kompa, nazwe teamu

Cytat4. Run the "#-update-prpclient-ini.bat" ("#-update-prpclient-ini.sh" for Linux) file to update the prpclient.ini files in all the folders. Mac users will have to make sure they select the proper executable as well.

miga okienko cmd i wszystko

Cytat5. Run the "#-start-prpclient.bat" ("#-start-prpclient.sh" for Linux) to start all the clients (the windows will be minimized). The clients will start, communicate with the server, and download WU's based on your server settings in the master_prpclient.ini file.
6. The client will automatically select which "primality testing program" (LLR, Phrot, or PFGW) to use on the downloaded WU's. It will continue until interrupted.
7. To stop client, press ctrl-C.

po kliknieciu 1-start-prpclient.bat miga kolejny raz okingo command line`a i na moje nic sie nie dzieje (brak jakiegokolwiek procesu obciazajacgo CPU w menadzerze zadan)

W zalaczniku master_prpclient.ini (ten ktory trzeba wyedytowac) ze zmienionym rozszezeniem zeby sie zalaczyl  %)