
Nowy polski projekt BOINC - Universe@Home

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Zaczęty przez Kret_polny, 04 Maj 2012, 16:16


Flying like a bird | part 14/14
może i fake, ale fajny fake ;)


WOW me wants to fly...


Ludzie się nudzą bardzo tracąc czas na kręcenie takich filmików.
Po za tym - BYŁO już na TYM forum...



Ja nie pamiętam by było....


It would appear that the fakery has now been confirmed. Dutch CGI artist, Floris Kaayk - who was posing under the assumed identity of Jarno Smeets all along - has apparently appeared on Dutch television and confessed that the videos are the result of CGI. The TV appearance was spotted and tweeted by one Sjoerd Jan Henstra, and picked up by Gizmodo. So that's that. Hopefully.



Nie no sami na swojej stronie umieścili wyjaśnienie o co w tym wszystkim chodzi:

CytatThe sequentional way of publishing, the question whether the main character will succeed, the huge press
attention and the constant interaction with the audience has lead to a compelling narrative structure and
has made 'Human Birdwings' to become a very successful online media project. A project that also clearly
shows that using the tools and mechanics of social media and having a clear viral strategy, one can reach
and touch a huge, worldwide audience.

Even though no commercial sponsors or advertisers where involved in this particular project, it does show
the power and huge potential of 'branded storytelling'. By telling entertaining, amazing and engaging
stories through ever-changing digital and social technologies we believe one can grab the attention of an
audience that is yearning to be entertained and ready to engage. An audience that wants to be involved
and entertained.

Human Birdwings
was directed by Dutch media artist Floris Kaayk, known for mockumentary films like
Metalosis Maligna
The Origin of Creatures

The project was produced by Amsterdam based Revolver Media, a next generation creative media
company that create, produce and rolls out story driven campaigns, branded and social media content and
formats for 'owned media'. The company is built around experienced creatives, storytellers, producers,
directors and artists.

a sam autor opisał projekt tak:
Cytat: http://www.humanbirdwings.net/uncategorized/last-note-from-jarno/For me this project was all about an ancient dream, the seamingly impossible and pushing the limits of human capabilities and technical applications. I am happy that a lot of people wanted to dismiss scientific boundaries for a moment and allowed themselves to share the dream with me.